Task 4
natural light
artificial light
i'd like to use the artificial light
take the photo about chandelier with glasses surrounded
color scheme
color in nature
color be designed
take a picture in nature, it can be different flowers or some colorful views
use mirror to take a photo which shows 2 sides in one picture
maybe someone sit front of the mirror
the reflection item can not be a mirror
a puddle can also be used
different color
different direction
different culture
different size
different personality
different shape
i'd like to take a picture that are the same item but has some tiny difference between them
maybe my birds can be used, they look the same but one is the red face the other isnt.
take this type of picture in the nature
it can be some special patterns
stone, leaves, tree, branches,.....
Task 2- Object from 3 Viewpoints
the whole body
from the back side
the face
a piece of board
take the vertical banister and bake the other things
in the screen blurred.
the panorama of the deck
take the leaf from the bottom to the top
the burgeon and make the background blurred
take the stamen
drying rack
from bottom
in the same horizontal line
show the whole body