The Mayans

Family life

Children duty is coming of age
Girls- 12 yr old
Boys - 14 yrs old

Marriage Custom

Ceremony,Mens 20, Girls 14

Mens duties of the family

Farming and hunting

Special occasions

Birth,Boys 4 months, Girls 3 months ceremony


1. Ruler had the highest authority

2. The next layer in social pyramid is nobles and priests

3. Mayans were good traders they traveled by sea, river and roads

4. Peasants were the backbone of the Mayan society

Slaves were at the very bottom of the social

Social Pyramid a social structure in the shape
of a pyramid with layers representing social classes
of different rank.

The ruler, Nobles and priests, merchants and
Artisans peasants and slaves were part of the
Social structures.


2000bce Farming main source of food,maize or corn

1400bce capital city palaces temples monuments

50bce devoloped own system of hiroghliphic writting

300ce 300-900ce reached its hight classic period

900ce classic civilization callapsed ,abandend cites in sothern low lands

1500ce end of post classic period


The Mayans were polytheistic which meant they believed in more then one god.The Mayans were related to nature.

The Mayans practiced sacrifices/offerings to honor their gods.They used animal or human blood.They also used slaves/orphans/prisoners for the sacrifices.


The Mayans had 2 calendars with 260 days.Only the priests could read the calendar and could determine the messages from gods.The daily solar year had 365 days.


The Mayan had a lot of achievements like science and tech.The solar calendar and other things.

Rise and Fall- You will make a timeline

slash and burn technique wore out soil even more

hard to grow enough food to feed population (dense forests little surface water poor soil


skillful farmers primary food was maize/corn