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How can you learn more about health and safety?

OSHA provides publications free.

Standards assistance technical and tool complianse through consultations workplace,

programs protection voluntary

plans state

training and education to guide you in your on-site safety search working.

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Why is OSHA important to your business?

OSHA is entrust of feed a place safe and to work on tool and orientation to work in a place free from injuries and diseases, it is important for identify business that are not committed to security

What are your rights as an employer?

apply identification to the official the OSHA

solicit information from employer on procedures emergency

receive training the safety and health required by OSHA

ask an representative of the employee acompany the official OSHA on the inspection

search conditions of working safe and healthful no retaliation your employer

Why is job safety and health important?

It is important because realizing that many occupational injuries and illnesses were being recorded to workers, so they were costing employers a lot of money,

How does OSHA contribute to job safety and health?

The objective main of osha is carry out the law occupational safety and health law which was created in 1970

Are all employees covered by the OSH Act?

The law covers all employees except employees public of state and local governments

What are your responsibilities as an employer?

it this covered by law SST must provide of the employees with a work free of danger what can causing damage physical or in the worse of the cases death

provide equipment and personal protection elements (PPE)

report deaths or accidents to OSHA within the first 8 hours

record injuries or illnesses and causes related the work

Be assured of the confidentiality of trade secrets

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