Increase Profitability

Rent Vacant Space

Advertise Space online




Advertise space in print and radio

Work with Boston Brokers

Offer commission to tenants for referrals

Partner with Accountants

Partner with Interior Designers

Partner with Lawyers

Partner with contractors

Upsell Tenants

Church Hope




Cold call businesses

Sell Building

Work with national brokers

Contact multi-national companies

Find Alternate Income Streams

Become/partner with a solar, wind or geothermal utility

Create an incubator that trades space for equity

Convert space to small offices and offer rent a la cart

Start an IT consulting business

Create a marketing company that offers services to tenants

Create a test kitchen

Market area businesses to tenants on a monthly basis

Rent the vacant space as conference/function space on the weekends

Create commercial/residential brokerage in house

Build Internship Staff

Reduce Operating Costs

Trade space to utility providers

Install green technologies to reduce energy usage

Renegotiate rates with contractors

Purchase snow removal equipment

Reduce maintenance expenses

Sell "Condo" Units

Harbor of Hope


Dance NE

Retain Lifelinks

Meet executive staff

Fix chemical smell

Fix billing system

Charge late fees

Collect back rent


Improve Curb Appeal

Upgrade Signage