I take a shower before getting dressed
I get back to my house around 11pm, make sure I put all the locks on, turn off all the lights, call my girlfriend. I fall asleep although it takes me a while to fall asleep, when I do, I get plenty of rest.
It is important to brush my teeth well
We have dinner at 8:30, I take a shower^
I wake up at 6 a.m. I hit the repeat button three times each morning before turning off the alarm and get up.
Stiven Camilo Roa Suárez
English does work - Level 1
Ana Carolina Polo Carmona
Daily routine
I play soccer very often with my friends,
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I get to work before 8 o'clock every morning,
I usually go by public transportation.
I sell perfumes in downtown Cúcuta
When I have time, I practice chemical
mixtures to prepare and improve our products.
After dinner I go visit my girlfriend, I relax on the sofa watching netflix.
We usually watch horror movies.
Some Sundays I go with my girlfriend's family to church at 6 o'clock.
On Sundays I help my mother spread out the laundry.
Saturday night my parents stay home and I go out with my friends.
Most days I have lunch at 1 PM, and snack at 5 PM, we close the store at 7PM then I take the shuttle to go home.