Canadian History 1960-Present - Mind Map

Canadian History 1960-Present



Technology is the process of using various systems, devices and methods that has been resulted from scientific knowledge which is used for methodical purposes.

Example 1

In the documentary, it mentions how in the Time Magazine
they refer to the person as a machine of the year rather than the person of the year. This showcases the impact that technology has on people and the world.

Example 2

Technology is the new age for Canada in the 1980's it made everyone's life easier In Canada Entrepreneur's where coming the new creators and there was a young Canadian named James Schmaltz who left his engineering job to create games on the computer he created one game and sold it for 1 million dollars this was the positive side of technology while some people did not like it because technology were taking the manufacturing jobs where most people worked which bring the negative side to technology.

Example 3

In the documentary it exhibits how people were afraid that technology would pry people of their jobs, the union leader Mike Hirsch thinks that having the new technology in the factory would be beneficial. Due to the fact that having these technologies, it will allow them to be competitive within the industry. Which showcases how useful technology is.



The process through which people become permanent residents or citizens of another country is known as immigration.

Example 1

In the Documentary it talks about how Cambodian refugee's arrived to Canada which is because of the war and how a good couple named Marcel Forte & Marie portae welcomed the refugees to their homes. By allowing refugees into Canada it contributed to the diversity.

Example 2

The movement of individuals starting with one country then onto the next with the end goal of resettlement has a long history in Canada. The narrative of Canadian migration has not been - and keeps on being - one of precise populace extension; rather, it has been - and keeps on being - one of monetary improvement as well as of Canadian perspectives and values. Regardless of adding to the formation of a differentiated society, it has as often as possible been straightforwardly monetarily self-serving and ethnically or racially biased (see Immigration Policy in Canada; Refugees to Canada). Native people groups have likewise been dislodged from their local terrains because of movement.

Example 3

The states, especially Canada West, returned to an agonizingly drowsy and flighty financial development design during the nineteenth century. Authoritatively advanced movement from the United Kingdom and, surprisingly, the United States steadily overwhelmed the province's prevalent rural regions and supported new ad and managerial focuses. The rookies looked like the current local area in many ways. Notwithstanding, in 1848, the Great Irish Potato Famine and, less significantly, a progression of bombed European uprisings introduced a new flood of migrants to North America.

Law & Legislatures


Law is a set of rules that is set by countries or cities
that help control & regulate the actions of citizens residing there. Legislation is the process of preparing and putting the laws into place.

Example 1

From the movie, it talks about how New Brunswick wanted to give Women rights under the Indian Act. The Indian Act could be a example of how legislation took place because of the way the Indian Act was prepared and created along with creating these laws for Indigenous people.

Example 2

From the documentary, there was the Women's Charter which was an act that was prepared with laws regarding the rights of the women which was according to Mary Eberts was not fair.

Example 3

From the documentary, there was an instance where Mary Eberts was revealing how the laws made still showcased how men were superior than women and how the new laws made were reflected the equality between women and men.

Indigenous Rights


Indigenous Rights are rights which are given to Indigenous people from the Canadian government because they are the original owners of Canada.

Example 1

In the documentary Indigenous rights were shown by how the forest were taken by loggers when the forest belonged to the Indigenous. It showcases how Indigenous people's rights were at stake when their forest was taken away from them. Especially when they had to fight for the forest and ended up losing the forest to the loggers.

Example 2

In the Documentary, an example could be the Indian Act that is mentioned in the documentary and how the Indigenous women were denied from having equal rights due to the act in 1985 . According to the Indian Act, women's status as Indigenous and their rights as Indigenous people are stripped away when Indigenous women marry men that are not Indigenous. This is an example of how Indigenous rights were stripped away from Indigenous women.

Example 3

In the documentary, it talks about the golf course expansion, where the government was planning to expand a golf course into the territory of Indigenous people. This relates to the Indigenous rights because it involves the stripping away the land rights of Indigenous people.

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