Kategorier: Alla - politika - literatura

av June Ardions Mohedano för 2 årar sedan


Xabier Etxeberria

Seorang penulis bernama Xabier Etxeberria mengekspresikan perasaannya melalui karya sastra, berbagi emosi dan sudut pandangnya dengan pembaca. Dia menyukai berbagai jenis buku, terutama novel bertema gelap.

Xabier Etxeberria

Xabirentzat oso importantea da literatura liburuetan bere sentimenduak adierazten duelako eta hor bertan liburuen bidez beestentzako kompartitzen ditu sentimenduak

Xabier Etxeberria

A method for staying focused and mentally fresh!


If you already did 4 pomodoros, take a longer break, between 15-30 minutes. In this break you can go for a walk, eat something, do a short circuit of exercises, etc.
Plan your breaks ahead!

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Bere liburuen gaiak

After each pomodoro do a 5 minute break! In these 5 minutes, think of/do anything but the task.
You can add your ideas for the 'lightning' breaks: it can be a 5-minute stretching, reading a short article, etc.

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Gustuko liburuak

Each 25 minute is one 'pomodoro', and it's a 25-minute focused work.
You can write the time of the start and progress on the task.

nola beltzeko libruruak

Zer da berarentzat literatura

How many Pomodoros you might need? Plan your pomodoros, then choose the task you want to start it with!