Kategorier: Alla - country - city - popular

av Cristian Ramos för 6 årar sedan


Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 Page 137

The terms provided focus on various aspects of human geography and social structures. A city is described as a populated area inhabited by a group of people. A continent is identified as a large land area separated by oceans and geographical features, with Asia being the largest.

Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 Page 137

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Vocabulary 1 Unit 4 Page 137

Words that start with "A"

Attack,A good defense is difficult to attack , Attack=Throw yourself violently against someone or something to hurt, destroy or defeat.
Africa,The continent of Africa is very Beuatiful, Africa= One continent of the world

Asia, The continent of Asia is very big, Asia= Largest continent of the world.

Words that start with "H"

Hot, The weather has been so hot, Hot= That provides heat
High, That mountain is very high, High=Which is located far away from the surface of the land or at sea level

Words that start with "P"

Popular, Real Madrid is the most popular soccer team, Popular= That has acceptance and fame among most people
Powerful, Donald Trumpo is the most Powerful president in the world, Powerful =Who has the authority to command, dominate or influence others
Careful, Be careful please it's dangerous to go alone, Careful =Way of acting of the person who puts interest and attention in what he does to get the best out of it.
Cold, Xela climate is usually cold, Cold = That it has a low or lower temperature than what is desired, convenient or pleasant

Words that start with "B"

Bad, That song is really bad, Bad =That has evil, from the moral point of view.
Beautiful, That song is so beautiful it's my favorite no doubt, Beautiful= That it has a good development or a robust and healthy aspect

Big, The Grizzly bear is very big, Big= Which has a size greater than what is considered normal or superior compared to something else of its nature.

Words that start with "C"

City, I love Guatemala city is so pretty, City =Population inhabited by a group of people
Continent, The largest continent in the world is Asia, Continent= Large area of land separated by the oceans and, in general, by certain geographical features

Country, The country I want to know is England, Country= Social community with a common political organization and a territory and its own governing bodies.