Kategorier: Alla - câncer

av Angélica Lima för 4 årar sedan


Doeças Hepáticas

As doenças hepáticas englobam uma variedade de condições que afetam o fígado, como cirrose, hepatite e esteatose hepática. A cirrose hepática é caracterizada pela substituição do tecido hepático saudável por cicatrizes, comprometendo a função do fígado.

Doeças Hepáticas

Doeças Hepáticas

Use this mind map to make the most out of your travels.


It is important to know how to get from one place to another. The most important would be the flights and transportation to the hotel so that after a long journey, you won't need to worry about that.

Pancreatite Aguda

To catch the flights you need to be on time for the train/bus (from home to airport or hotel to airport). Write down the departure and return time.

Obstrução dos ductos hepáticos

Função Renal

Insuficiencia Renal
Acumulo de substancias no sangue

Disturbio hepatico

Insuficiencia hepatica



Plan the activities you want to enjoy and add details such as their pricing. See if you need any prior reservations for your chosen tours or activities.

Doenças Metabolicas
Sidrome de Cushing

Alta taxa de cortisol

Hipotireodismo Grave
Esteatose Hepatica
Cirrose Hepatica
Disfunção sexual

List here all the tourist attractions you have on your bucket list.

Hepatopatia crônica grave

Equilíbrio Hidro-eletrolitico

Accommodation is an important part of your travel so make it easy by adding all the details here.


Name of the hotel/hostel

Renina - Angiotensina - Aldosterora


Alta taxa de Triglicerideos

Equilibrio acido - base

Alcalose metabolica
disfunção hepatica
Acidose metabolica
insuficiencia hepatica


It is essential to prepare before departure so you will have everything pre-organized and you can enjoy your vacation!

Aumento de peso

When packing, make sure you check the weather on your destination.


Esteatose hepática

Cancer de Figado

Marcadores Tumorais

Metastade de figado

Carcinoma Hepatocelular