Maintaining positive relationships - Mind Map

Maintaining positive relationships

At college

Follow behaviour guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct


To help build good professional relationships with peers and staff

To avoid actions and consequences which may jeopardise your education or career

To practice professional behaviour as would be expected in the workplace

Practice your key British Values


Respect and tolerance of other opinions and beliefs will help avoid conflict and maintain a working relationship or friendship with people from different backgrounds or with different viewpoints

In the workplace and in everyday life, you may have to deal with people who you don't necessarily agree with

You may need to work in a team with people who have a different perspective to you

You may need to deal with clients who disagree with you

At home

Helping your parents/guardians/homeowners


To help you prepare for living independently

To show support and respect

This may help family members feel more valued and potentially avoid tension


Before you post, consider whether you would say the same in person


Think about how are your online relationships impacting on your...


Are your conversations with people online having a positive or negative impact on your mindset or mental health?


If a potential employer saw how you interact with others online, what would they think?

Building positive professional network links could help boost your career opportunities

Make the most of professional networking opportunities

Only take part in online groups and conversations where you feel safe and supported

In the workplace

Build your interpersonal skills

Think about how your actions and attitudes impact on...

The team you work with

How you are viewed as a colleague - would you hire you?

The organisation you work for

The clients you may support

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