Pedagogy It is said that when people talk about education they are also talking about pedagogy, therefore Pedagogy studies education as a complex and multi-referential phenomenon

Plato wondered about the characteristics that a just society should possess, which, in turn, led him to the description of his utopia.
He says that the public servants with a long education and more of 15 years of experience were able to govern with equity and justice to the society. And which didn´t reach these studies were assigned positions according to their abilities.

He offers one of the most complete and profound philosophical systems of ancient thought.
metaphysics, nature philosophy, knowledge theory, logic, anthropology, ethics, politics, aesthetics
Immanuel Kant
He based physical and practical education on his Education Science.
Pysical Education.- related to passive submission and obedience
Practical Education.- capacity for reflection and freedom regulated by the laws of society
María Montessori

He dedicated his life to helping children with mental disorders, he founded the first Children's House in San Lorenzo Roma.
Here was a house at scale so that children can practice hygiene habits

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
He said that learning is a natural process and that children should start this work when they are ready