Janurary 1789-Summer of 1799

Storming of the Bastille

The French stormed the Bastille and took the gun powder that was stored there on July 14, 1789. They wanted more control of their counrty and wanted change.

Constitution of 1791

France's monarchy became a limited monarchy instead of a total monarchy. Feudilism was abolished so the taxes weren't as high for peasants. Voting was limited to tax payers. Offices were reserved for property owners.

Declaration of the Rights of Man

In 1791 Declaration of the Rights of Man gave the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of press. Guarenteed property rights. Gave the people the right to create laws. Gave people the right to a fair trial.

End of special priviliges

In 1791 Church lands were seized and sold to peasants. Feudal dues and tithes were eradicated. Church officals were now elected by the people, many church officals were upset by this and fled. First and second estate privileges were abolished.

Legislative Assembly 1791-1792

Royal family sought help from Austria during revolution. Nobles fled and lived as emigres. Chruch officals wanted church lands, rights, and privileges restored.

Consitution of Year III (1795)

Reign of Terror was over. Consitution created the Directory. Included Excutive branch, five directors appointed by the legislative branch. Legislative branch- lower house and upper house members. The qualifications were to be a Girondists, own property to be able to vote. The directory of 1799 was corrupt and had poor administration.

End of Reign of Terror

July 27, 1794. Most of the people of France wanted it to end. Danton tried to end the Reign of Terror but instead Robespierre had him excuted. Robespierre became the leader Committee of public saftey that included twelve others. The Convention wanted the Reign of Terror to end so they sent Robespierre to the guillitone along with the the other twelve members of the Committee of Public Saftey.

Reign of Terror

September 5,1793 - July 27, 1794. Danton and the Jacobin dominate French politics. About 15,000 people were excuted. Those accused of treason were tried by the Committee's Revolutionary Tribunal.

Abolishment of Monarchy

January 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was excuted by the guillitoine for high treason. Marie Antoinette excuted by guillitonie October 16,1793 for high treason. Their daughter was let go because she couldn't become monarch. Son Louis XVII was sent to jail where he was abused until he died in June 1795.

Convention 1792-1795

Established the first French republic. Two polictial parties were formed, the Girondists led by Robspierre dominatly, represented the rich middle class. Jacobins led by Danton, represented the workers.

Fall 1799 and on

Napoleon makes an Empire

•1807 - after becoming emperor of France, Napoleon looks to expand France's empire in
•Napoleon had unpredictable strategies that crushed opposition
•Lost only one major battle to British, Battle of Trafalgar (Horatio Nelson)
•1812 - greatest extent of Napoleon's empire (only lasted 5 years)

Napoleons Empire Collaspses - 3 Mistakes

•The continental system (blockade)
•Peninsular War (Guerillas)
•Invasion of Russia (Scorched Earth Policy)
•Napoleon is defeated at battle of Leipzig (sent to Elba)
•Hundred days and Battle of Waterloo
•Sent to St. Helena (died in 1821)

Napoleon achieved

•He spread the ideas of the French Revolution throughout Europe
•Napoleon believed in these ideas, even if he did not put them into action - Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
•During hid rise to power in Europe he posed as the great liberator, freeing the people of Europe from their kings, their old feudal lord and from the church

Congress of Vienna (Legacy)

•European leaders meet to bring peace and stability to Europe
•Klemens von Metternich of Austria, most influential - has 3 goals
•1. Containment of France
•2. Balance of Power
•3. Legitimacy
•Victory for monarchies/ (France and Great Britain only constitutional Monarchies)
•Nations Afraid of Revolution
•Holy Alliance - Russia, Austria, Prussia

Nationalism Changes Europe

•1830 Greece wins independence from Ottoman Empire
•Failed Revolution of 1848
•Loyalty not to king/Empire but to a nation of people with common culture/History
•1. France
•1848 Paris Mob overturns monarchy and establishes a republic
•election of Louis Napoleon
•took on a title as Emperor
•2. Russia
•Russia Behind Europe
•Alexander 11 frees serfs in 1861
•Alexander 111 tightens Czar control but helps to modernize Russia