Fur Trade - Mind Map

Fur Trade

Start of Fur Trade

Went to look for more beaver pelts

different places that never been seen

Decide to work with First Nations

Europeans had arrived in the 1500

Bartered for iron goods

Europeans started the Fur Trade

With the Indigenous people

In 1600 they used beaver pelts

Made hats and clothes

long lasting

was very good material

4 beaver pelts = 4.5l of alcohol

12 beaver pelts = 1 rifle

beaver pelts were very popular

Competition between French and English

Of the Fur Trade

People had to pick sides

The fight increased

Develop of Fur Trade


The First Nations were like guides to the Voyageurs

Took 12-14 days to travel

can go 40 hours without sleeping

When had to travel used Birch-mark canoes

Didn't know how to swim

Didn't have life jackets back-then

Sang their own religious songs

Sang with the pace

if sang fast the canoes go fast

Voyageurs were very young men back-then

Were contracted by merchants

Given permit to bring supplies

To the trading posts


Wanted to explore more

Of Canada

Also worked with the First Nations

Had Kids with the Coureurs de bois men

Their kids religion was Metis

Mix of Indigenous and Coureurs

Made a Family

Didn't want to build settlement

Learned each others language

Had lived with each other

Became friends

The Coureurs were also very young men aswell

Didn't have trading license form the king


French people were allowed to trade furs

Needed a license

Needed to agree to build settlement

From the King of France

In the 1600's king of France decide colony

Should build and should be controlled


The consequences

They made cities

Indigenous people were also displaced

The Europeans had brougt diseases

Caused some of the indigenous peoples to die

Mostly Elders died

Childrens could't learn about their religion

Also could't learn about their cultrue

Diseases were eaither small poxs and measles

More of the Europeans had came

The Indigenous people have to move to a different place

Moved where their was less food and resources

The role of the Indigenous


Hunted and trapped many animals

Transported Fur


Traded with other First Nations for Fur

Men acted like guides

shared technology and knowledge

hunting areas and how to make their own canoes


Cleaned and prepared many Furs

Also acted like Guides to people

Helped repaint and make canoes

Built good relationships on culture

made clothing for the Europeans

Prepared and provide food to everyone

British Trade

1644 they started trading

With the Haudensaunce

In the 1670 they had established the Hudson Bay

Trading company - Haudensaunce cree

Fur Trade competition

The French and the English were also in a competiton

Would raid each others post

And would also raid settlement

In the 1713 a treaty of peace was signed

Between the French and British

No Indigenous was involved

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