CR 8.4-8.5: Multimodal and Online Sources

Online Sources

Introduction to Online Sources

Publications and works only available as
online sources (UM 1).
Two types of publication:
- sources that are online (UM 1)
- sources that are both online (UM 1)

CRAAP for Online Sources

- date of copyright, publication, last update, cited sources, patent (UM 1)
- most online sources do have a publication date (UM 2)
- date matter for either modern relevancy or historical context (UM 2)

- how relevant is topic (UM 3)
- needs to relate to topic, intended audience (UM 4)

- knowledge and expertise of author is key to evaluating credibility (UM 7)
- formal degree or certification, professional
(UM 7)

Important to check facts and see if its factual (UM 9)

- same info found in other scholarly sources (UM 11)
- author has expertise on subject (UM 11)
- no logical fallacies (UM 11)

- unverified facts, contradictory to scholarly sources (UM 12)
- highly biased/unreliable sources (UM 12)
- logical fallacies (UM12)
- author not professional or credible background (UM 12)

The style of presentation presented in detail and coverage would depend on audience and purpose (UM 14).

Multimedia Sources

Introduction to Multimedia Sources

Sources that may not fall neatly in either
print or online (UM 1).

CRAAP for Multimedia Sources

The distinction between time of production and upload is key
(UM 1)

- relevance of sources important (UM 5)
- to know its relevance to topic, intended audience, fit with other sources used (UM 6)

- knowledge and expertise of author (UM 9)
- association with academic or professional source (UM 9)

The reliability of the info (UM 12)

- same info in other sources (UM 13)
- no logical fallacies (UM 13)

- facts not verified (UM 14)
- unreliable sources or high bias (UM 14)
- lots of logical fallacies (UM14)
- high controversy (UM 14)
- negative reviews (UM 14)

- intended audience is needed (UM 16)
- purpose of source (UM 16)

Sources Cited

Lumen Learning, and University of Mississippi (UM). "Introduction to Online Sources." Writing Skills Lab. Lumen Learning, Portland, OR, 2019.

University of Mississippi (UM). "CRAAP Analysis of Multimedia Sources." Writing Skills Lab. Edited by Lumen Learning. Lumen Learning, Portland, OR, 2019.

---. "CRAAP Analysis of Online Sources." Writing Skills Lab. Edited by Lumen Learning. Lumen Learning, Portland, OR, 2019.

---. "Introduction to Multimedia Sources." Writing Skills Lab. Edited by Lumen Learning. Lumen Learning, Portland, OR, 2019.

Created by Sonali Chadha