Ancient Egyptian influences on Greek Philosophy

Hyksos invasion

Cleopatra, last ruler of Egypt

Ancient Egypt influenced Greek philosophical ideals

Ancient Egyptian civilization predates Greece

Famous Greek philosophers learned from the Ancient Egyptians

Greeks raided the librabries of the Egyptians took the books back to Greece and taught their peers

Imhotep or Hippocrates

Imhotep, first civil engineer and mathematician and scientist. Hippocrates, named father of medicine and physician

How did Egypt learn their ideas

Who really is crowned father of medicine and science?

Math, Science, Thought

Some thought it was developed by Greeks, i.e. geometry

Schooling of Greece and Egypt

Prevalence of Greek philosophy today?

Greek philosophers are considered the father of medicine, math, science

Herodotus documents history of learning from Ancient Egypt

How did Aristotle and Apollo and Hippocrates come up with their ideas?

Greek philosophers never ventured to Egypt

Greeks were very talented and creative people and thought the Egyptians were weird

Egypt had some influence on the Greeks but the Greeks developed their own ideals

Hippocrates and Apollo are masterminds

eEgyptians had boats to travel, did they ever go to Greece?

The meaning of Delta is the definition of Greek adventures naming a piece of the Nile river Delta because it resembled a Greek word

Structures and ruling of a nation

The beginning of the alphabet and writing

If Greeks couldnt undertand the Egyptians language, how were they able to learn their education?