Deaths caused by drunk driving also increased by 3 percent—from 9,943 to
10,265—from 2014 to 2015
● Drunk driving causes more deaths than distracted driving, speeding, drugged
driving and drowsy driving
● In 2015, there were 10,265 people killed in drunk driving accidents. Oregon
accounted for 155 of those deaths, the fourth highest
Over 1500 college students die from alcohol related-unintentional injuries each
● 1 in 4 students report academic related consequences because of drinking or
related behaviors.
- THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main ingredient in the cnnabis plant.
-main reasons for the effects of marijuana.
one of the two main cannabinoids, the other being CBD.
- Due to THC binding with brain receptors, it can affect neural architecture.
In developing brains marijuana effects how connections are formed within the brain, and how the brain structure is formed.
Effects of caffiene: 1. insomnia 2. restlessness 3. increased heart rate.
caffiene withdrawls
1.Headache 2. depressed 3. low energy
In 2017, 10.6% of students in grades 8,10 and 12 and 31.8% of young adults aged 19 to 28 reported consuming alcohol mixed with energy drinks at least once in the past year.
Tobacco is a plant grown for its leaves which are dried, fermented, and
then put into tobacco products. Nicotine is found inside tobacco and is
the addictive agent that makes it so hard for people to quit.
Affects the Brain
when entering the blood, nicotine stimulates the adrenal glands to release epinephrine
tobacco in oregon
~In 2017, 16.1% of adults smoke ~Oregon received $338.8 million
(estimated) in revenue from
tobacco taxes in 2018. ~Smoking-caused health care
costs: $1.54 billion per year.
model airplane glue, nail polish remover, cleaning fluids, hair spray, gasoline, the propellant in aerosol whipped cream, spray paint, fabric protector, air conditioner fluid (Freon), cooking spray and correction fluid.
counseling and rehabilitation center. there is 17 to choose from in Oregon.
Crystal meth looks like glass or white rocks
Smoking - Snorting - Injecting - Orally ingesting
-Snorting: chronic rhinorrhea, epistaxis, sinus infections
-Injecting: collapsed veins, general infections, blockages to the heart
-Smoking: throat cancer, lung cancer, COPD,
-Orally ingesting: oral cancer, tooth decay, mouth sores
How it works in the brain? Once drugs are ingested, after some time senses of euphoria, distortion, color changes, and hallucinations can set in
effects long term:-withdrawal syndrome -headaches -sweating -memory loss -speech difficultie