Категории: Все - education - balance - pragmatism - learning

по Jake Craig 6 лет назад



Balancing different philosophical approaches is crucial in various aspects of life, such as planning a wedding or teaching. Relying solely on idealism, realism, or pragmatism can be limiting.


Floating topic

Starter 19 (7/17/18)

Cell phones in the classroom. I remember back when I was in High school and had a cell phone if it was seen by the teacher it was taken away and some teachers even take it to the principles office and you can get it after class. This article talked about how teachers are starting to use cellphones in the classroom for learning for quick access for the internet, graphing calculators, and a camera for projects. I believe that this is still a detraction if the classroom and can hinder learning if the phones are being abused and they aren't using them for the right reason.

Starter 18 (7/12/18)

In Michigan schools a teacher at the end of a school year wanted to keep her students engaged until the last day. With her own money she bought some supplies for 95 dollars. The education system came out and started to pay for these things in the schools. I agree that schools should give a teacher a budget for each year to purchaser different supplies for lessons and activities. Teachers shouldn't have to use their own money to but things for their classrooms. I think that if teacher want more than what their budget allowed then it needs to be our of their own pocket. A limit defiantly needs to be set but a budget for each teacher would be beneficial to the success of each class.

Starter 17 (7/10/18)

Cardinal Principle

What should be taught in high school? As I was reading through this article I was pondering the different things they have said. I was drawn to the fact that they were talking about implementing different courses to fit students desires and their possible future careers. I think that foundations courses are great to get a good balance and to help students figure out what they want to do with their life. Once they find it they should be able to take those desired classes. One of the issues is staffing for these different courses but I am a believer that students will do better in school if they are studying things that they enjoy. I believe that this is the same in college with foundation classes. Students succeed where their interests are.

Starter 16 (7/5/18)


The industrial education is a learning approach of learning about education is an industry perspective. Taking Math and physics and applying it into schools to help specialize in certain things. From what I understood about this is that it helped with the black and whites in schools so they could go to schools for what they are good at. I see this today and I think it is a good thing to have. I think that It is beneficial to have TECH schools that specify in different trade jobs. Its always been a thing and I think it needs to always be there for people to gain an education of their interest to help benefit the communities.

Starter 15 (7/3/18)


what do I believe schools should and can accomplish in our Society. Education becomes the equalizer among men. (women) in life. He described it as a balanced wheel of social machinery. It can make the poor not feel poor and that everyone has an equal chance to make something of themselves. This is important because I believe that everyone has an equal chance in life to succeed. There are so many people that are given the opportunity to succeed in life and educations but merely go through the motions and waist time. I believe it is up to the student to to grab on and learn. It reminds me of the saying, you can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day or you can teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. That is the same with education. You are given the chance to succeed and it won't be a hand out your whole life.

Starter 14 (6/28/18)


What is the role of society in school? There was a quote in the slides and he talked about how you cannot take peoples Discretion away but you can teach them how to use it. School in society is very important in my eyes. If children and teens and young adults don't attend school, they can make society a harder place to live in. In school we can inform them and help shape their lives to help them become well rounded and successful people. Its best done within the educational system.

Starter 13 6/26/18

A Chicago manufacture takes in 2 boys and one is bright and one is stupid and puts them to work and to see how they do. I am taking this and in my mind relate it to the classroom. You cannot compare in a classroom. Comparing students will destroy self confidence and self worth. You have to give them all equal chance and not put them up against each other. In my classroom we will not compare. In school I hated when the teacher read out test scores. I was always on the lower end. We need to help the Studnts succeed in class and it will help them succeed in life.

Starter 12 (6/21/18)

current Event

A 5th of teachers have second jobs, to get more money. We need to live within your means and love what we do before we decide if we want to be a teacher or not. I am not in it for the pay but because I am wanting to be a teacher and hope to make a difference.

Greene 23

I like what Alfred Schutz said about wide-awakeness. We cannot go through life just going through the motions and call it good. Many people who go to their job, sit at the office and do their work are just their to get paid. What Alfred was talking about it that we need to be engaged in what we are doing and it will profit us greatly. It won't only profit us or you as an individual but it will bless many lives. It will bless the lives of my students as I am wide awake to teach and care for the students. As I am wide awake I will be a better teaching in the way that I will be doing my best work. This philosophy I agree with because it will help with our mortal lives in becoming a better person in the world and in the work force.

Starter 11 (6/19/18)

Current Event

Utah's Issue with STEM
STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Rural school districts are seeing that their are less people qualified to teach STEM and they are using video and other means of technology to teach the children. The other issue is that the teacher that are qualified leave the district to teach at a Tech Industry. They are having a hard time keeping teachers in the schools and need to make changes to keep the teachers.

Thomas Aquinas

Trying to understand this article and the question that was given, "Is one "called" to teach as would a priest be called into a religious service?" To that I would say in article 6 it talks about is sacred doctrine wisdom? Sacred doctrine is acquired through study but wisdom is given to us. I believe in this because we need to seek knowledge and seek progression. It doesn't just come to us. We may have the "Wisdom to be a teacher" or the talents to do so. We need to study and seek them. So I agree with this that we can be blessed with the talent to teach but we cannot stay in one place. We need to keep becoming better.

Starter 10 (6/14/18)

Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism

I don't think I am one of these 100%. I think that there needs to be a balance in your choices. When planning a wedding you don't want to be realist and just do everything cheap but you want to not think the Ideal to be over budget. you need to have a balance and see what fits your budget. It will also be hard to reach every student if you are extreme in one of these. you need to experience all of them to give a balance in your room.
After listening to each ISM about their philosophies I would relate most with Pragmatism with Finding the best way to do things.

Starter 9 (6/12/18) Joe

Mary Antin

As I talked with Joe about the purpose of education and its importance. Trying to remember the names of the family, they lived in Polotzk. They tried to go to Moscow Russia to get education and work and they were treated. They moved to Boston. they were accepted in America and this took them off guard. My philosophy is that everyone should get a chance for a good education. No matter where you come from, if you are rich or poor, smart or dumb you should be able to have a fair chance of gaining an education. In this country we have more of an opportunity to get that education but not as much as in other countries. This needs to change.

Starter 8 (6/7/18) Ryan

Mass Bay Law

The only slight problem I would have with this is that the students need to be the owner of their success. This is so important that students get the help they need but also work hard and do things their selves to progress in life.
Ryan and I talked about public schools and the new Elite program giving the students 14 million dollars of grants. It was for a lack of individualized teaching and makes it so the students can have a better experience in school. I agree with this as education is most important. The students are variable and making learning individual can benefit them as well as the school system to become a better and stronger school. I would have benefited from an individual learning model to help me become a better student to progress and do well in the future.

Starter 7 (6/5/18) Kade

January 2, 2018 in Ohio

I think about summer. Its a 3 month break where the parents can teach them while not in school to keep the kids mind active and ready for the next school year.
Parents need to see that it is important that they go to school. Parents can help teach a child through reinforce the learning by helping them with homework. This is how a parent can be a help to their kids to be successful students.
Parents are thinking that they can raise and teach their children better than the school system. I don't agree. I feel that it is more important for kids to go to a school, interact with other kids and teachers to learn and grow. The social impact of the school is better growth.
Homeschooling is better for the students. My reasons are shown below!!!
Increase of children homeschooled in the last 3 years.
Parents power in home schooling

Starter 6 (5/31/18) Vannah

Publicschoolreview.com Current issue in education.

With funding having the budget cuts has caused problems which means smaller staffs, fewer recources and lower number of services. This will affect the students that are lower in their grade with reading, writing, math, and science. They may not get the help they need to be prepared for the end of level testing. This is the cause of lower test scores and lower scores for teachers and this causes a lot of problems with the education system as a whole.
No child left behind. In standardize testing the teacher is graded for how well the students test at the end of the school year. This could be harder for the teacher to reach out of each student as they are teaching lessons and some of the students could be left behind being in a bigger class.
Having a better relationship with the teacher makes it easier to learn.
classroom sizes got bigger. more students per teacher. this causes the teacher to have more students and it makes it harder for students to interact with the teacher. Harder for the student to speak up and get the personal teaching they need.

Starter 5 (5/29/18)


What kind of environment would I want in my school? Letter one talked about nature and art and that is how children can learn best and retain information. I believe this to be true! Visual learning has helped me and I believe that in a classroom or in a school hallway you need to have art and visual learning about books, math, science or anything that they are learning at the time. This will reinforce learning and help them become better students.

Starter 4 (5/24/18) Kaylee

Current Issue in Education

You can't judge a book by its cover. Every student should have a fair chance to succeed in school.
Why do they need more funding if they won't succeed as well as well educated students.
The football team may be bringing in more money.
A school needs to look at the needs of each program. whether they spread it out equally or as needed to the band or the athletics or special education.
I believe that they need to give more funding and attention to the special education. The efforts put forth to teach and support those children who usually don't have that support is huge in the success of their lives and the school.
Causes problems for the learning and progress of those students.
Not enough funding for special education in South Georgia.

Starter 3 (5/22/18) Jen

I believe it is important in the school system because you have a class of 30 students and you can't expect them to all learn the same way.
Get out of the cave and see what is around you. look at the bigger picture.

Jane Addams

You have to have an idea to be able to progress. So I believe that Idealism in a school or class opens your mind to learning and progressing in your learning.
Reading and writing in school does little or nothing to give the child real life experience.
Moral idealism is the constructive force of progress.

Starter 2 (5/17/18) Heidi Hunt


Have the attitude of helping children not just teach the subject.
Building a foundation and planning out what you will teach when can help with the students success.
A student needs to understand before they can remember it.
Don't over teach where the student can't comprehend everything at once.
A teachers preparedness effects a students learning.
A principle of learning at the right time in a child's live is crucial to their learning and success.
Universal teaching is to say a Method of Teaching and of Learning with such Certainty that the Desired Result must of Necessity Follow.

Starter 1 (5/15/18) Shyanna

Current issue in education

Its hard for both teachers and students
Nebo School District (Utah)
Grades on schools are low
it affects the outcome of the school
End of level testing

Plato 1

the savior, we don't see him but He Gives light.
The sun brings light to our sight
