Категории: Все - algorithms - numbers - units - base

по yasmin ahmed 3 месяца назад


Mid over Math 280

In mathematics, understanding how to work with different numerical bases is essential, particularly when dealing with base six. In this system, blocks are used to represent different values:

Mid over Math 280

Mid over Math 280

Week 8

Problem Solving

Week 7

Week 6

Building Fraction Add,Sub,Mult

2 color

3 color

More colors if possible




Homework 6

Week 5

Solving fraction/adding/Mult/Sub

Adding fraction:

Subtracting fraction

Multiplying Fractions

Divison Fraction

What are the Fact Families





35 / 5= 7

35/7 = 5



Homework 5

Week 4

Understand Fraction/

What does numerator tell us about our fraction

What does the denominator tells about the fraction

What do the parts of a fraction mean?

2/5 1/4

2= # we have 1= 1 # of pieces

5= size of piece 4= how big the piece are

Why are fractions so hard for some people?

Because they introduce an inverse relationship: a smaller denominator means larger pieces

2/5 2/3

small big

When and why do we need to find common denominator?

Because when I'm adding two fractions together or subtracting two fraction, I need to adding or subtracting the same size piece

Comparing Fraction

1) over half way

6/11 or 15/34= 6/11 bigger

2) same number of pieces

4/15 or 4/13= 4/13 bigger

3) missing one piece

15/16 or 5/6= 15/16 is bigger

4) over half way

23/50. or 354/700= 354/700 is bigger

5) missing two piece

13/15. or 25/27= 25/27 bigger

Homework 4


Week 3

Multiplication Building/showing/Alt algorithms


3= # of group (circle)

4= inside (square)

Describe how the order in witch we should beach our muliplication table 1-10

Expanded form:

34 x 28

Multiple 20x30= 600

Multiple 20x4 = 80


Multiple 8x30=240

Multiple: 8x4=32

Add all together


Left to Right


tens : 3 become 30

tens: 2 become 20

Multiple 30x20=600

Multiple 30x6=180

Multiple 8x20=160

Multiple 8x6=48

Add all together


Area Model

Multiple 10 x20=200

Multiple 10x 6= 60

Multiple 2x20=40

Multiple 2x6 = 12


Add 200+60= 260

Add 40+12= 52

Add both answer together

260+52= 312

Division Building/showing/Alt algorithms

Traditional Division


Answer is 129 r4

Reapeated Subtraction

Now 62 remains. We will subtract 7 repeatedly from here

70+70+7(8)= 208

Area model

Draw rectangle to represent the total area of dividend, 649

5x100= 500


Now, we know that 5 goes into 649 at least 100 times



We know that 5 goes into 149 at least 20

5 x 9=45


We know that 5 goes into 49 at least 9 times

Now put them all together


Homework 3

Exam 1

Weeks 2

Building addition/Alt algorithms/Friends and number

Flat 100

Long 10

Cube Ones

If we are working in base six, what we know about the blocks we would use to build numbers in base six?

We know hat each long will be equal to 6 unis. and each flat will be equal to 6 longs or 36 units

What does the base tells us?

The base tells us the numbers of units needed to create 1 long


23+42= 6 longs and 5 ones

II ooo+ IIIoo= IIIIIIooooo

What makes a "good" algorithms

1) expanded


3) Base on math

Traditional Algorithms


Add units: 7+5=12( write 2, carry over 1)

add ten's: 3+8+1=12(write 2, carry out 1)

Add hundreds: 2+1+1=4

Final answer: 422

It is expandable, Efficient but not base one Math

Expanded Form


237 expanded form: 200+30+7

185 expanded form: 100+80+5

Add the hundreds place value: 100+200=300

Add the tens place value: 30+80=110

Add the one's place value: 7+5=12


Its expandable, Effiecient and Base on math

Left-to-Right ( being with the left digit)


Add the hundreds place: 200+100=300

Add the tens place: 30+80= 110

Add the ones place: 7+5= 12

300+110+12= 422

Its expandable, Effiecient and Base on math

Friendly number

#'s that end with zero


Round 32 to 30 by subtracting by 2 and adjust 58 by adding 2 to the 8 to make it 60

32 become 30

58 becomes 60

Add them together


Its expandable, Effiecient and Base on math

Scatch Method

Add Digit by Digit with Scratches


Add Units place: 6+9=15

Add tens place: 5+8=13

Add hundreds Place: 4+7=11

Its expandable, Effiecient but is questionable to be Base on math

Building Subtraction/Alt Algorithms

Subtraction= take way

Flats 100

longs 10

units 1's

Expanded Form:

40 - 6

-(20 + 4)



Yes expandable

Not efficient

Yes is base on solid math

Left-to-Right (start from left )







Yes expandable

Okay efficient

Yes is base on solid math

Equal Addends


Add +2 on both sides

64 becomes 66 and 38 becomes 40

Now add the two answers together


Yes expandable

Yes efficient

Yes is base on solid math

Homework 2

Week 1

Different bases

  1. Draw diagram
  2. state # of units in shape
  3. add the units

Base -5: 0,1,2,3,4

One= 5

Five=5 (units)

25= 5(square)

125= 5 (flat) times 3

Homework 1