Категории: Все - insurance - wages - empathy - careers

по Priscilla Flores 9 лет назад


Industry Mind Map for Multimedia by Priscilla Flores

The text discusses various aspects of industry regulations, customer service principles, and career opportunities within different sectors. It highlights key legislation like the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which forbids any practice that can pose a risk to employees, and the Fair Labor Standards Act, which sets the minimum wage at $7.

Industry Mind Map for Multimedia by Priscilla Flores



Customer Service Principles
7 customer service principles that can change your business | Desk.com. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from https://www.desk.com/success-center/customer-service-principles
Chand, S. (2014, February 15). Training of Employees: 6 Methods used for Training Employees – Explained! Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/employee-management/training-of-employees-6-methods-used-for-training-employees-explained/25967/
Kurt, D. (2014, December 9). 8 Federal Laws That Protect Employees. Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/120914/8-federal-laws-protect-employees.asp
Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act - ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Council. (2012, July 3). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/public-employee-paycheck-protection-act/
Arline, K. (2015, June 19). Direct Costs vs. Indirect Costs: Understanding Each. Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5498-direct-costs-indirect-costs.html
Taxation71. (2015). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://tax71.blogspot.mx/2009/06/aspects-of-taxation-basic-principles-of.html
Snider, M. (2015, August 11). Obama 'empowering' for diversity in tech. Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/src/detail?vid=18&sid=408f604b-fbba-44c6-941d-b37e7563a627@sessionmgr115&hid=105&bdata=JnNpdGU9c3JjLWxpdmU=#AN=J0E067170230415&db=mih
Different Types of Industry | gcse-revision, geography, industry, different-types-industry | Revision World. (2015). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/geography/industry/different-types-industry
Industry Related Careers
L. Chao, E. (2006). Contents. In Occupational Outlook Handbook (Vol. 2006-2007). Indianapolis, Indiana: JIST Publishing.
SubtopCareers in Manufacturing. (2015). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from https://www.iseek.org/industry/manufacturing/careers/careers.htmlic
Hiring methods
Conlan, C. (n.d.). 5 Critical Elements of Any Résumé | Monster.com. Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://career-advice.monster.com/resumes-cover-letters/resume-writing-tips/5-critical-elements-of-resume/article.aspx
W. Eischen, C., & A. Eischen, L. (2000). Chapter 7, Best Supporting Role: Cover Letters. In Résumes, Cover Letters & Interviews (p. 53). Mason, Ohio: Dave Shaut.

Industry-Related Careers

Primary Industries Careers
Fishers and fishing vessel operations


Forest, Conservation, and Logging Workers

Land/wooden materials

Agricultural Workers


Engineering and Technology
Quarternary Industries
Services Industry


Producers and Consumers
People have to make and buy goods, and whilst they do so, they have to pay taxes
Producers advertise their products to get them to sell, and then they pay taxes
the money wasted on taxes goes to


public schools


13% of any payment in a store

Customer Service Principles

Don't leave customers waiting
Customers are known to be impatient
Know your product
Be sure to know what you are selling from head to toe
Put your customer's shoes on
Admit it when you don’t know something
Don't insist the customer doesn't know what they're talking about
Be a real person
Don't be too fake in business
Listen to customers
Share their ideas and support them
Support customers as a team
Your customer needs your product, and you need your customer's money, work together to get to an agreement

Hiring Methods

Company Knowledge
Cover letters
Used to request interviews
Personalize the process of application
Support for résumes
Extra Achievements
Educational Highlights
Related Experience
Verification of previous experience

Types of Industries

Quaternary Industries
Services (Tertiary) Industry
Manufacturing (Secondary) Industry
Manufacture of raw materials
Assembly lines
Primary Industries
Extracting Natural Materials

Sea-Benefiting Industries


Land-benefiting Industries


Iron Ore



Marketint own products
Allies in business

Independent of each other

Mutual Benefits

Contracts with companies




Different Countries joining

Training Methods

The Conference Method
It is a conference with trainees and organisators
Class Room
Someone takes new employee to a room where s/he'll learn about his/her job
Employee has noting to do with the work, as s/he'll be trained and will learn out of the office what is expected of him/her
On The Job Training
Someone supervises and explains procedures to the new emploiyee while they work


Cost object
Overhead Costs
Costs that compannies can't connect to cost objects, because they are used by multiple activities
Direct Costs
Charges that a company can connect to a cost object


Employer Shared Responsibility Payment
Requires that companies offer their employees with a minimal level of health insurance
The Occupational Safety and Health Act
Forbids any practice that can pose risk to employees
The Fair Labor Standars Act
Minimum wage allowed of $7.25 per hour
The Paycheck Protection Act
Employers won't be able to reduce the amount payed to an employee unless requested or allowed