Категории: Все - persuasion - conclusion - thesis - style

по Tolama Rojas Carmen Monserrat 3 лет назад



In persuasive writing, the goal is to influence the reader's beliefs or reinforce their existing views. The introduction plays a crucial role, as it must clearly present the main theme from the outset.




Depending on our objective, we can, for example, opt for a more aseptic style, always using impersonal verb forms, or use a more subjective method, speaking in the first person and in the singular.

As in any writing that we do, we can choose between a diversity of styles, more or less formal, with one or another type of language, or showing a greater or lesser proximity to the reader.

this time already relying on the arguments presented, to give a final push to our thesis and achieve the maximum possible persuasive effect on the recipient

Conclusiones:El cierre del texto es una parte delicada ya que debemos volver sobre la idea principal esta

ARGUMENTATION It must consist of a whole battery of solid arguments that support our position without fissures and that are also strong enough

Introduction It is the part with which we begin the text, and it has a vital importance, since in these first lines it has to be reflected with crystal clarity what the theme is


The objective is to generate in the reader a change in their ideas or a reinforcement of them

refers to the presentation of a set of reasons for the purpose of demonstrating or justifying something.

We can do it in a very academic way, explaining the concepts that we are going to discuss.

seek to support or demolish a thesis