The field of finance


Provides a structure for decision making


Provides finance data through the statements

Evolution of the field of finance

Financial capital

Money, credit

Real capital

Long-term plan and equipment

Risk management and the financial crisis

Risk managment

Allows the extantion of credit to borrowers who has high-risk profile

Credid defalut swaps (CDS)

Insurance against borrowers defaulting on their loan

Functions of financial management

Aloccate funds to current and fixed assets

Obtain the best financing alternatives

Develop an dividend policy

Corporate governance

The corporation is governed by the board of directors, led by de CEO

Agency theory

Examines the relatioship between the owners and the manegers of the firm

Institutional investors

They have the ability to vote large bloscks of shares for the election of the board directors

Goals of financial management

A valuation Approach

Earnings valued by the investor

Maximizing shareholder wealth

Achieving the highest value

The role of the financial markets

Financial markets

Meeting place for corporations that either need money or have money to invest

Public financial markets

Borrowers of funds for education, welfare,etc

Corporate financial markets

Where corporations such as Nike and Ford raise funds

Format of the text


Examines the goals and objectives of the financial management

Working capital management

Techniques for managing the dhort-term assets ans liabilities are examined

The capital budgeting process

The decision on capital outlays

Modern issues in finance

Capital structure theory

The study of the relative importance of debt and equity


Increase of prices


A slowing down of prices increases

The immpact of the internet

The rapid expantion of the internet allowed the creation of new business models and companies

Forms of organization

Sole propertioship

Represents single-person ownership and offers simplicity at decision making


Two or more owners


Its a legal entity unto itself

Articles of incorporation

Subchapter S corporation

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Control corrupt corporate behavior

Social responsability and ethical behavior

Insider trading

Occurs when someone uses information not available to profit

Structure and fuctions

Money Markets

Deals with short-term securities

Capital markets

Markets that have a life of more than a year

Allocation of capital

Primary market

Secondary market