Chapter 4: Probability-Formulas

Disjoint (Mutually Exclusive)

Two events cannot occur at the same time



P(A or B)


And= multiplication

P(A and B)

Unlikely event

Probability= 0.05 or less

Unusual: Extreme result

# of outcomes is far above/below typical values

Probability of event A


Probability that event A DOESN'T occur


Relative Frequency

P(A)= # of times that A occurred
# of times trial was repeated

Subjective Probability

P(A) is estimated by knowledge
of the relevant circumstances

Equally likely outcomes

P(A)= # of ways A can occur
# of different simple events

Conditional Probability

P(B|A)= P(A and B)

"given that..."

Intuitive: P(B|A)

Probability of At Least One

1) A= getting at least one of some event

2) Ā= getting none of the event

3) Find P(Ā)

4) Subtract the result from 1
P(at least 1 occurrence)= 1-P(no occurrences)

Formal Addition Rule

P(A or B)= P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

Rule of Complementary Events




Intuitive Addition Rule

Intuitive Addition Rule= P(A)+P(B)
total # of outcomes in the sample space

Probability of event B occurring after
it is assumed that event A has already occurred

P( A and B)=P(A)*P(B|A) (dependent)

P(A and B)= P(A)*P(B) (independent)

Sampling w/o replacement


Factorial symbol: !

Example: 3!=3*2*1

Special: 0!=1


Occurrence doesn't affect probability:
Sampling w/ replacement

Factorial Counting Rule

m*n=# of ways 2 events can occur

"How many different characters are possible
if they're all represented"
Ex: 00110111: 2^8=720

Factorial Rule

n!: # of diff. permutations (order counts)
of n diff. items when all n of them are selected

"the # of ways five letters can be arranged"

Permutations Rule (When all items are DIFFERENT)

nPr= n!

# of diff. permutations when n diff.
items are available, but only r of them
are selected w/o replacement

"If 5 letters are available, and
3 are to be selected w/o replacement"

Permutations Rule (When some items are identical to others)

n!/(n_1 !n_2 !⋯n_k !)

# of diff. permutations when n items
are available and all n are selected w/o
replacement, but some of the items are identical

10 letters (aaaabbccde) are available and all
are selected, the # of diff. premutaions is:

Combinations Rule


# of combinations (order doesn't count)
when n diff. items are available, but only r of them
are selected w/o replacement

"different combinations" or "order doesn't matter"