Problem:   hogging seat in starbucks

Suggestion to correct such problem

1. The coffee chain should make its stand clear by pasting posters or messages on its websites about not allowing students to study in the starbucks during peak hour.


2. Scholls have the responsibility to educate students on this matter.

3. Media icoverage to make students more conscious of their seat hogging actions



1. Starbucks are considered as a conducive environment for study by many students. ie internet access, aircon, less crowded compare to KFC or Macdonald.

2. Do not want to go back home to study.


1.From the viewpoint of the coffee chain: Occupies seat in Starbucks

2.From the viewpoint of other custmers seating in starbucks:  Create loud noise when they discuss their work

3.Spoils school reputation, as students wear school uniforms to seat in starbucks to study,