Categorii: Tot - digital - technologies - personalization - engagement

realizată de Michael Bennett 1 an în urmă


Pedagogy & Technology DigCompEdu Framework

The text discusses the importance of using digital technologies to enhance active and creative engagement in learning. Emphasis is placed on employing pedagogic strategies that foster deep thinking, creative expression, and the development of transversal skills.

Pedagogy & Technology
DigCompEdu Framework

5. Empowering Learners

5.3 Actively Engaging Learning To use digital technologies to foster learners’ active and creative engagement with a subject matter. To use digital technologies within pedagogic strategies that foster learners’ transversal skills, deep thinking and creative expression. To open up learning to new, real-world contexts, which involve learners themselves in hands-on activities, scientific investigation or complex problem solving, or in other ways increase learners’ active involvement in complex subject matters. C1 - Through the use of Wix Website, we have designed and used different digital tools that help us actively learn and engage with what we are learning in class. We have also used different digital activities which are engaging and motivating like for example, the use of We used digital tools while to visualize and explained the concept which was really helpful, fun, and engaging way to learn.

5. 2 Differentiation and Inclusion B1: Employing digital technologies for differentiation and personalisation. I select and use some learning activities, e.g. quizzes or games, that allow learners to proceed at different speeds, select different levels of difficulty and/or repeat activities previously not solved adequately. Why: The teacher is very hands-on, receptive, and helpful whenever we encounter some problems or difficulties in navigating the Wix site and others. However, I think there is room for improvement. Maybe a less wordy presentation, varying fonts, better background, and a much slower phase. Why: The teacher is very hands-on, receptive, and helpful whenever we encounter some problems or difficulties in navigating the Wix site and others. However, I think there is room for improvement. Maybe a less wordy presentation, varying fonts, better background, and a much slower phase.

5.1 Accessibility and inclusion To ensure accessibility to learning resources and activities, for all learners, including those with special needs. To consider and respond to learners’ (digital) expectations, abilities, uses and misconceptions, as well as contextual, physical or cognitive constraints to their use of digital technologies. B2 - The teacher is well aware of the different tools that we use in the class. He shares different add-ons that we can use in our class. He demostrates how these different tools are used.

Pedagogy & Technology DigCompEdu Framework

3. Teaching and Learning

3.3 Collaboration
Explorer A2: Encouraging learners to use digital technologies in their collaborative activities.: When implementing collaborative activities or projects, I encourage learners to use digital technologies to support their work, e.g. for internet search or to present their results.

While we have worked in many collaborative projects throughout this course. Our opportunities to design and implement technology is limited. I gave us an A2 because A1 said rarely considers collaborative work for students. While we learned about many tools that we could use. Our implementation of these tools is the one step that would increase our proficiency.

3.1 Teaching

To plan for and implement digital devices and resources in the teaching process, so as to enhance the effectiveness of

teaching interventions. To appropriately manage and orchestrate digital teaching interventions. To experiment with and develop new formats and pedagogical methods for instruction.

Explorer (A2) Making basic use of available digital technologies for instruction. I use available classroom technologies, e.g. digital whiteboards, projectors, PCs. I choose digital technologies according to the learning objective and context.

In class we went through online teaching tools and different programmes that we could use in our future lessons. We have some knowledge about how to use each programme but have never implemented them in our teaching.

Self-Regulated Learning
B2 - Using digital environments to comprehensively support self-regulated learning. I use digital technologies or environments (e.g. ePortfolios, blogs, diaries, planning tools) to allow learners to manage and document all stages of their learning, e.g. for planning, information retrieval, documentation, reflection and self-assessment. I help learners in developing, applying and revising suitable criteria for self-assessment, with the support of digital technologies.

I believe we are at a B2. In this class we worked on creating a digital portfolio. In the portfolio we created blogs/diaries, various e-planning tools (decktoys), and organized everything by task and tools. We updated and revised the e-portfolio as we moved through the class.

3.2 Guidance
B2 Using digital technologies to enhance monitoring and guidance.

In class we have learned to give good and credible feedback to students. Through Google Forms we can give immediate feedback in a number format and then personalize it by writing a comment to the student.

1. Professional Engagement

Integrator (B1):Using experimentation and peer learning as a source for development. Using experimentation peer learning as a source of development.
Explorer (A2): Using the internet for updating knowledge. As a class we have used the internet to learn about new websites to use being an AUX, lesson planning, finding ways to use the internet to make lesson plans and teaching easier.
Explorer (A2): Being aware and making basic use of digital technologies for communication. Personally i would say this is were I fit.
PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION is employing digital technologies to engage in collaboration with other educators, sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience, and collaboratively innovating pedagogic practices. I believe we are the C1 Level, which means we, as a class, are now using digital technologies for reflecting on and enhancing practices and competencies. We are all educators in the class and the course requires us to reflect via our portfolio on useful digital tools in relation to our roles as educators. We learn to be better at these platforms and tools during the sessions and in between sessions, as we try to complete the requirements and be able to utilize them in our classes as well. We all knew or were using some digital tools to various extents prior to this subject and a few of the activities we did in the class needed us to work together (Gallery Walk, PBL), so we also learned from one another. This collaboration and the new tools we learned in the class have enhanced our individual practices and competencies.
Reflective Practices B2 EXPERT Using a range of resources to develop one’s individual digital and pedagogic practices. I actively seek out best practices, courses or other advice to improve my own digital pedagogies and wider digital competences. I evaluate, reflect on and discuss with peers how to use digital technologies to innovate and improve educational practice. Through this class we've been able to reach the expert level b2 of reflective practices. Through learning about different google tools, applications like and als how to utilize games through game-based learnign and gamification among others we have been slowly improving our pedagogical practices and developing our competencies Additionally through the making our own webpages and including the blog section we have been able to reflect on our own digital competencies and the uses of digital resources in our own practices. Through class discussion we have also talked about different ways we can add enrichment activities to games to make learning more engaging. I put us at a B2 because the C1 level goes on to include discussing digital policy and the development of our peers digital competencies which hasn't been covered in class.

2. Digital Resources

2.3 Managing, protecting and sharing digital resources To organise digital content and make it available to learners, parents and other educators. To effectively protect sensitive digital content. To respect and correctly apply privacy and copyright rules. To understand the use and creation of open licenses and open educational resources, including their proper attribution. B2 - Expert Reasoning: We have used a range of different digital tools and have been equipped to use WIX, Symbaloo,, Google Suite etc with confidence and are able to think about these told critically. We have had opportunities to share which tools we have enjoyed using and what the limitation of these tools are. I believe that our curiosity has peaked and we are all open to new ideas and exploring using tech in new ways.
2.2 Creating and modifying digital resources To modify and build on existing openly-licensed resources and other resources where this is permitted. To create or co-create new digital educational resources. To consider the specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group, when designing digital resources and planning their use. B1 - Integrator Reasoning: We have been introduced to a range of different digital technologies and have been encouraged to think about how we can use these in our classroom practice. We have designed our own portfolios on Wix,com. And we have created interactive learning platforms on etc. Over time, I think we will be able to work out which technologies are more useful in certain situations and how they can be utilized more effectively.
2.1 Selecting digital resources To identify, assess and select digital resources for teaching and learning. To consider the specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group, when selecting digital resources and planning their use. C1 In addition to search engines, I use a variety of other sources, e.g. collaborative platforms, official repositories, etc. I evaluate the reliability and suitability of content based on a combination of criteria, verifying also its accuracy and neutrality. When I use resources in class, I contextualise them for the students, e.g. by pointing out their source and potential bias. Reasoning: We have not only covered various sites for tools, which can be found on our individual Symbaloo pages, but have also applied them specifically for collaborative tasks that we have done together as a collective and discussed their usage for various content and competencies in our respective specialities. We have discussed the advantages of individual apps and sites for our defined objectives and addressed their limitations as to not determine them moot for class, but focus instead on how to incorporate them effectively into our lesson plans.

6. Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence

6.5 Digital problem solving - B1 I implement learning activities in which learners use digital technologies creatively, expanding their technical repertoire. I encourage learners to help each other in developing their digital competence.
6.4 Responsible use - A1 - I foster learners’ awareness of how digital technologies can positively and negatively affect health and wellbeing, e.g. by encouraging them to identify behaviour (of their own or of others) that makes them happy or sad. I foster learners’ awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of the openness of the internet.
6.3 Digital content creation - C2 I guide learners in designing, publishing and licensing complex digital products, e.g. creating websites, blogs, games or apps. I reflect on, discuss, re-design and innovate pedagogic strategies for fostering digital expression and creation by learners.
6.2 Digital communication & collaboration - C2 Using innovative formats for fostering learners’ digital communication and collaboration. We have used a wide variety of collaborative cloud based tools to work on Cooperative Learning Activities, incorporating ICT into active learning pedagogies. The use and sharing of learning portfolios voosts communication and collaboration.
6.1 Information and media literacy - C1 Comprehensively and critically fostering learners’ information and media literacy. The use of Creative Commons and resource banks as well as blogging and sharing reflections through social media fosters student's Information literacy

4. Assessment

4.3 Feedback & Planning, Expert (B2): Using digital data to enhance the effectiveness of feedback and support. We have been exposed to digital feedback. Through our blog posts because we've gotten personalized feedback through emails. In addition, through our Google Forms, we got instant feedback. Not only do we get a score, but some of the questions had personalized feedback to direct you toward the correct answer.
4.2 Analyzing Evidence: Evaluating a range of digital data to inform teaching. I have used various digital tools to evaluate the students learning. In class I have used Kahoots, where you can check which students got what questions wrong/right. With this I can be aware of my learners' activity as it happens in real time. I have also used Google Forms to administer quizzes and also get the results as they submit it. Both these tools can help me keep track of the students progress and give timely feedback.
4.1 Assessment Strategies. Employing and modifying existing digital assessment tools and formats. I have used several different digital technologies for both formative and summative assessments in the class. I have used Canva presentations, Kahoot, Baamboozle for formative assessments. The main digital tool for summative assessments I have used is google forms for end of unit tests.