Categorii: Tot - emotions - metaphor - stabilization - imagery

realizată de Medizin Wissen 1 an în urmă



Resource Work (RW) is a therapeutic technique designed to stabilize emotions by harnessing positive past experiences. Unlike other methods that focus on emotional processing, RW aims primarily to reinforce emotional stability.

Resource Work


Scope of this course

This course does not contain ...
... training on classical hypnosis techniques, like Ericksonian hypnosis
... training to become a therapist (if you are not already a therapist)
... downloadable scripts of all the language needed
... step-by-step instructions for rehearsing and practicing the methods
... demonstration videos with explanations
... the required theoretical basis for understanding and performing RW
... all necessary materials and instructions to learn how to perform Emotional Stabilization with Resource Work safely and effectively.


What is special about this version of RW?
MB adds a didactic framework and a structured approach. This makes it easier for non-clinicians with little experience to learn the method, as well as for clinicians without experience with imaginative methods.
Dr. Baltrusch has refined the general concept of RW over many decades. The Categories of Emotional Resources are based on her work.

Resource Categories

MB cites his former teacher, supervisor, and co-founder Dr. Baltrusch as his primary source. Dr. Baltrusch is a retired German physician and psychotrauma therapist with over 30 years of professional experience. The essence of Dr. Baltrusch's "Resource Work" remains unchanged in Deep Emotional Work.

Dr. Baltrusch and MB co-founded a non-profit organization and ran it together from 2014 to 2020. They have conducted numerous trainings on the treatment of emotional trauma in several countries.

Dr. Baltrusch

A summary of Baltrusch's work was published in 2021 [1].

The principles of RW are simple, but the details can be very complex. Popular, oversimplified versions of RW often lack the effectiveness of a refined approach.
In this course you will learn the much refined version of this technique which was created by Matthias Behrends (MB), a German instructor for emotional work on the basis of the teachings by Dr. Charlotte Baltrusch.

Efficient Trauma Work is Possible - Tribute to Dr. Charlotte Baltrusch

About MB

Who invented it?
The principles that inform this approach are frequently employed by qualified therapists who are trained in treating psychological trauma.

Another umbrella term associated with RW is "imaginary techniques." This term includes all techniques that utilize one's imagination with real or fictitious situations for emotional work.

In specialized literature, this falls under the umbrella term "stabilization techniques." These encompass various approaches and other methods.

Emotional care providers and therapists then realized that this was a technique that many people used intuitively and found different ways to make it as effective as possible.

Emotional caregivers also applied it to care receivers who were not intuitive about it and needed help getting started.

The fact that positive images, thoughts and emotions counterbalance negative ones has been intuitively discovered by people who have gone through painful experiences - both children and adults.

Credit for the original "idea" goes first to the survivors themselves!

The Origin of Techniques for Emotional Work, Resilience, Trauma are the Survivors

A Metaphor to Illustrate the Principle of Emotional Stabilization Used in Resource Work

With Resource Work, you are about to discover one of several methods that use this principle. It will probably change the way you see things, the way you work, and what you thought was possible.

The Metaphor:

Poets and writers often study the human condition and can provide valuable insights. However, their profession does not typically provide practical solutions for taking purposeful action that produces consistent results. That is our job!


When applied to human nature, these simple words contain a powerful truth. This truth must inform the principles of emotional work if it is to be effective.

This "truth" is true because of what we can observe in reality, not because of what the metaphor says.

"... only ..."

"Light" is not only an effective remedy - it is the only truly effective remedy that I know of.

That means, if you don't use a method that utilizes this mechanism, you'll never have a chance to overcome distressing emotions and trauma.

What "Light" means:

"Light," like the metaphorical "rainbows" in Angelou's writing, represents any experience in life that elicits positive emotions, such as safety or happiness.

key phrase:

Darkness can only be overcome by light.

Mainstream examples:

Paulo Coelho uses this metaphor when he speaks of the "Warrior of Light".

Maya Angelou popularized a metaphor involving "rainbows" in the "clouds." Her language urges action, saying, "Become a rainbow in someone else's cloud."

This is the most powerful approach to keep the darkness at bay.

You can and should strive to be able to do exactly that: to become someone who can re-connect others with their own rainbows, their own light that they already carry but often have forgotten.

No esoterism!

By using a metaphor, we are not tapping into esoteric ways of explaining reality. We use the metaphor to understand an underlying principle for a science-based intervention.

Terms such as light, energy and healing are often used with very different meanings and frameworks, including esoteric ones.

Why a metaphor?

Metaphors can tap into a pre-existing framework for understanding a matter and its inner workings.

Metaphors can improve and facilitate the understanding of concepts.

This metaphor applies to the concept of Emotional Stabilization and all the techniques used to achieve it. RW is one such technique.
Why should I use it?
Emotional Trauma can only be effectively processed with prior Emotional Stabilization.

In other words, and going one step further, if you do not have an effective method of emotional stabilization, you have no business working with traumatized people - at least not with their trauma specifically.

Emotional Trauma

The principle of RW - as we define it here - is scientifically based and non-esoteric.
RW is a simple and highly effective technique for emotional stabilization.
What is "Resource Work"?
RW is part of Deep Emotional Work (DEW) by Matthias Behrends.

As such, RW can be learned and applied as ...

... as part of the DEW System.

... a method combined with other techniques you already have;

... a standalone method;

In some situations, RW can lead to processing of emotions. This can happen, but is not the primary purpose. Therefore, RW is not labeled as a "processing" technique, but rather as a stabilizing technique.

Emotional Processing

The main purpose of RW is emotional stabilization and in most situations it has this - and only this - effect. Therefore, we are labeling it a technique for Emotional Stabilization.

Emotional Stabilization

RW reinforces these emotions through repetitive practice using guided imagery in a light trance state.


Guided Imagery

In essence, "Resource Work" (RW) is a technique for Emotional Work that utilizes past experiences that evoke specific positive emotions.