Categorii: Tot - strength - gods - loyalty - epic

realizată de Madelyn Heiser 8 ani în urmă


Epic Poetry-Mady

Epic poetry often centers around a heroic figure who embodies the values and qualities of their culture. These heroes typically face and overcome perilous situations, often with assistance or hindrance from gods or fate.

Epic Poetry-Mady

Epic Poetry-Mady


Epic Hero
Overcomes perilous situations

"Then we unloaded all the Cyclops flock/ to make division, share and share alike,/ only my fighters voted that my ram,/ the prize of all, should go to me" (465-468).

Embodies qualities valued by a culture

"We would entreat you, great Sir, have a care/ for the gods courtesy; Zeus will avenge/the unoffending guest"(173-175).

Helped or Harmed by Gods or fate

"O hear me, lord, blue girdler of the islands,/ if I am thine indeed, and thou art father:/ grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never/ see his home:" (443-446).

Posses superhuman strength

"He left his rams/and he-goats in the yard outside, and swung/high overhead a slab of solid rock/to close the cave" (141-143).

Main topic

interactions of the hero and his civilization with the gods
tend to highlight cultural norms
performs deeds requiring remarkable bravery and cunning
recounts the adventures of an epic hero

Odysseus is telling the story to the King

Landed on the Locus Island
Spent 7 years with Caylipso.
Zeus sent Hercules to free Odysseus

Literary Devices

Epic simile
A simile that is in a Epic poem. Several lines long.

"I leaned on it/turning it as a shipwright turns a drill/ in planking" (293-295).

"then lay down like a mast among his sheep"(202).

"Then he dismembered them and made his meal,/ gaping and crunching like a mountain lion/" (195-196).

A pronoun that replaces or describes someone

"Odysseus, raider of cities,topic"(428).


Isn't a poem
No culture
doesn't include super human strength
No problems


Reflect universal concerns
Life and death
The fate of a nation

Other Epic Poems