The Five Cultural Dimensions.

Power Distance

Power Distance is the extent to which a country accept and distribute power.

Canada - Lower PD, Bosses and employees consider themselves more or less equal regardless of education. Bosses support employees and create an environment of interdependence.

India - Higher PD, Relationship between bosses and employees is much like a dictatorship.

Uncertainty Avoidance

Uncertainty Avoidance is a countries tolerance for uncertainty and the extent to which they minimize it.

Canada - Very similar to India both Canada and India try to minimize uncertainty and adapt to changes and are open to new ideas.

India - Very similar to Canada both India and Canada try to minimize uncertainty and adapt to changes and are open to new ideas

Individualism and Collectivism

Individualism is the amount to which individuals are allowed to govern themselves within a country. Collectivism is the amount of government interference with in a country to govern the people.

Canada - Canadian people are of a higher individualistic mind set ad they see the work force a place to take initiative.

India - Underdeveloped and poor country people think collectively. They belong to a certain area or group community.

Masculinity and Femininity

Masculinity is when a country has a high focus on socially acceptable gender roles which may also include wealth and status. Femininity is when a country has overlapping gender roles and focuses on equality.

Canada - Both countries have a very high score in this category Canada and India are both Masculine countries reputation in society is vital and as a result striving for the best and showing off their achievements to society is done.

India - Both countries have a very high score in this category Canada and India are both Masculine countries reputation in society is vital and as a result striving for the best and showing off their achievements to society is done.

Long-Term Orientation

Long Term Orientation is when a country focuses more of the future and plans accordingly. This includes adaptation and preparations for the future.

Canada - Canada scores low in this dimension which means that short term orientation is present. This is clearly shown through businesses quarterly stats.

India - India scores exceptionally high which means that they are a long term planning country. they notice long term goals and adapt accordingly to achieve these goals.