Sustainable Forestry

Research & Development


What it is

Clear cutting

Selective Cutting


What they are

Example of genetics



Clearcut v.s. patch & Selective cutting

What is the difference between the two

What they are used for

Which one is better or worse

Protecting Old Growth Forests

How Canada is protecting them

What they are

Why they are important

Where they are in Canada

environmental hazards, fire & pest management

Acid Precipitation

Forest fires

Pest Management

Role of NGOs in making forests sustainable

FSC Canada

A certifying group that lets you know you are buying products from responsibly managed forests or recycled sources.

To put the FSC label on their products forest product companies have to follow sustained yield forest management principles.


Canopy enourages use of paper that has the Ancient Forest Friendly logo

They also have to maintain the ecological functions and integrity of the forests.

In order to be Ancient Forest Friendly 100% of the paper fiblre must hace ecological attributes and the paper must be manufactured with a high percentage of recyled material.

Because of canopy th e Globe and mail was the first North American newspaper to develop an Ancient Forest Friendly paper policy

Its green magazine campaign led to 34 Canadian magazines developing ecopaper policies and switching to environmental paper.

It convinced J.K Rowling and Raincoast Books to print Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on 100% recycled paper making Harry Potter the greenest book in history.

Nature Conservancy of Canada

The NCC is an NGO that buys,manages and restores natural areas. It gets land by buying it with donated money or by people donating land and then it protects the land,

It recently protected 462 acres of land in the Riding Mountain area of Canada

It helped conserve more than 2 million acres of ecologicalllly suignificant land across Canada


It wanted people to know that a substantial amount of the pulp Kimberly Clark uses to make its kleenex products comes from Canada's Boreal Forest.

It pressured the BC government to keep its promise to protect the Great Bear rainforest bu putting up billboards and publishing fullpage ads in newspapers

Its Kleercut campaign against company tissue maker Kimberly Clark was laucned in Nov. 2004 and involved Activist protests, scientific reports and media.

David Suzuki foundation

conducts research

found that most of logging in BC's coastal forests is in old growth forests and most is clearcutting

Main tpic

Government Role (all levels),trade,protection,crownlands