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Work as a team, respecting and sharing out tasks

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If you must buy a product for your prototype

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Don't waste paper, use both sides

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Don't waste water when cleaning your table or painting tools

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Use recycled materials or re-use ones used previously

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Be precise with the materials you need, don't waste too much money

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Share materials that you don't need with your classmates

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Don't discriminate on grounds of race or religion

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Use your imagination, there are always alternative materials

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Avoid waisting money by buying too much

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It requieres international cooperation to ensure investment in technology to improve agriculture, so more people are able to get food

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Always follow the health and safety rules of the workshop

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Study your clasmates' work anda your teachers opinion, anda encourage everybody to work towards the sustanaible development goals

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Don't discriminate on grounds of gender

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Provide home water-treatment capability throught the use of filters

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Consider energy efficency when designing

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Respect intellectual property and copyright, name the authors of the material