Operating System - OS

They are an essential part of the operation of computer systems and the central piece of software in the process chain, since they establish the minimum conditions for everything to work: the administration of resources, the method of communication with the user and with other systems, additional applications.

Operating systems allow other programs to use them to support them to function.

Components of an operating system

File System.

It is the registry of files where they acquire a tree structure.

Interpretation of commands.

their function is to communicate the commands given by the user in a language that the hardware can interpret


It allows operation on basic issues such as communication, data input and output, process management and memory, among others.

Characteristics of an operating system

It is the intermediary between the user and the hardware.

It is necessary for the operation of all computers, tablets and mobile phones.

It provides security and protects the programs and files on the computer.

It is designed to be user friendly and easy to use.

It allows to efficiently manage computer resources.

Most require the payment of a license for their use.

It allows you to interact with various devices.

It is progressive, since there are constantly new versions that are updated and adapted to the user's needs.

Operating systems consist of graphical interfaces, desktop environments, or window managers that provide the user with a graphical representation of running processes.

Functions of an operating system

Manage random access memory and run applications

Manage the CPU thanks to a programming algorithm.

Direccionar las entradas y salidas de datos

Manage information for the proper functioning of the PC.

Direct usage authorizations for users

Manage files.

Examples of operating systems

Microsoft Windows.






The operating system is the software that coordinates and directs all the services and applications that the user uses in a computer, that is why it is the most important and fundamental

Operating systems, also called kernels, usually run in a privileged way with respect to the rest of the software, without allowing any program to make major changes to it that could compromise its operation.