Natural resources - Mind Map

Natural resources

What is it?

Resources that are not depleted through use, as they return to their original state or are regenerated at a rate greater than the rate at which resources diminish through use.

renewable resources

wind, solar radiation, hydropower, geothermal energy, wood, and agricultural products

What is it?

Non-renewable resources are natural resources that cannot be produced, cultivated, regenerated or reused on a scale that can sustain their rate of consumption.

nonrenewable resources

coal, oil, minerals, metals, natural gas and groundwater deposits, in the case of confined aquifers without recharge.

What is it?

A natural resource is any product of nature, whether material or energetic, that serves to cover the biological needs of human beings (food, clothing, housing, buildings), to develop an economic activity, or to satisfy social demands (consumer goods).


- Temperatures, air, plants, animals and minerals

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