A device that allows devices to connect to an network .
It is used to connect many devices to one network. It can also route electronic data sent over the network.
A router communicates with the internet connection and the devices that connect to it. It helps to get a steady, safe network.
It receives a signal and then retransmits it so that a further away device can get the the signal.
A node that inspects traffic coming in and out of a network.
Personal Area Network: It is used for communication in a very small area like in a room.
Local Area Network : It is used for communication in a reasonably small area like a house or an office.
Metropolitan Area Network : It is used for communication in medium sized areas like a large campus or a city.
Wide Area Network : It is used for communication in a large area such as a country or even the whole world.
A WAN is made made of many LANs connected together.
Client - Server
There is a specific client and a specific server. For resources, the client must ask the server, who will grant or deny it. The information available is restricted. They are expensive.
Peer to peer
There is no differentiation between the nodes in this server. Each system can ask another based on its needs and can act as client as well as a server. It is cost effective (cheaper).
Point to point
A simple topology directly between two systems.
Many systems connected to one central hub like a star.
All nodes are connected by a single cable in the middle likes seats of a bus.
Devices are connected in a circular data path like a finger ring.
All computers are are connected to each other separately, forming a mesh.
The elements are divided into groups at every level, like a tree's branches.
An integration of two or more different topologies.