Contact and Interaction


Overland trade

trade conducted by those who travel across the land

Maritime trade

trade conducted by those who travel by sea


to form good relationships with other kings

Territorial expansion

kingdoms wage wars to control more land or trade routes


Overland Trade

difficult & dangerous: no proper roads

travelled in groups

trade routes extablished in Mauryan dynasty

Maritime trade

Indus copy Mesopotamians

used sail boats to travel along the coasts of Persia


Sea routes

monsoons - strong winds that blow steadily in different directions at different times of the year

increase in trade between India and other civilisations


could sail directly across the oceans



people who rob ships at sea


to ensure the maritime trade routes were safe

Territorial Expansion

Aryans moved to Ganges Plains (1500BCE)


Mauryan and Gupta rulers had diplomatic relations with kingdoms and empires outside India


court officials sent by their kings to other kingdoms as their representatives


Overland Trade

Emperors banned people from travelling outside empire

Grand Canal

network of rivers and canals

easier for crops to be transported by boats

Silk Road

trade route and route for exchange of inventions and ideas

linked Asia to Europe

Name from Chinese silk that was carried along it

Traded: pottery, tea, salt, spices, perfumes, gold, wine, glass

travelled using camels, horses, and on foot

trades with Central Asians monitered closely by Chinese government

7th century - easier to travel by sea/silk road declined

Maritime trade

set up government offices to welcome foreign traders

traders settle down in foreign ports

Naval Expeditions

Admiral Zheng He

led seven expeditions

form friendships with countries on maritime trade routes


organised journeys that are made for a particular purpose

Territorial Expansion

chinese culture spread to Japan, Korea and Vietnam

adopted Confucianism


Tribute system

foreigners give tribute to Chinese emperor and get to trade in China

Southeast Asia

Maritime trade

The Spice Routes

network of sea routes linking Asia and Europe

ports served as collection and distribution points


process of which Southeast Asian rulers sought knowledge of Indians


adopted new ways of building ships


made of teak

strong and steady

Territorial Expansion


China's tribute system