Harassment - Mind Map


Harassment: is a form of
discrimination. This is a more serious
than bullying as can make a person feel unconformable.

Some examples of this is touching, rude jokes,
threats, making jokes about race, Mean nicknames,

These examples
can effect the person
that is getting harassed,
family, friends.

Harassment can change a person,
they can become depressed,
Suicidal, shy, weak. But it can also
make you stronger some examples of this
is, make you more immune to put downs, to fight back, self recovery, not afraid to stand up for yourself.

Individuals who are getting harassed will change as
a person forever.

People that who got harassed or is harassed sometimes
they get harassed by their sex, skin tone, IQ, and more.

Preventing harassment is always
hard but we can do it!

How we can prevent it:

You can show them that you are not a pushover
you are strong. Also you can tell the teachers, principal, parents.

You can write about it, keep yourself safe, tell the person to stop, don't say no because it wont help, and give complements.

friends can get affected
as they might not want to be friends anymore, might turn there back on you.

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