
Global Context


AMEX: Employee Engagement Capstone


Poor CSR Performance due to: Communication?

CSR Needed to 1. Attract talent 2. retain talent 3. separate from other financial companies.

Employee Engagement

Sustainable Power In Numbers (SPIN) Platform: Dedicated to engaging employees in many aspects of their life. Tracking progress and impact and creating a message to deliver to customers.



LED Lights

Energy Audit

Water Efficiency



Electric/hybrid cars

Car sharing programs

Bike shop / Boogud


Shop Local

Sustainable shopping lists

Education/ toys

Food / Health

Healthy Diet Options

Excercise Teams

Access to dietitian


Ability to create teams

Choose causes

Community involvement

Company Suggestions

What can AMEX do better?

Where can we improve efficiency?

Can we be more green?

The study revealed a number of key findings and insights:

Social factors (product responsibility, community, human rights, diversity and opportunity, employment quality) were on average twice as significant as either environmental or governance factors in determining survey respondents' perception of good corporate citizenship.
When asked about the importance of good corporate citizenship in respondents' decision-making, an overwhelming majority (85%) stated that it is "important" while nearly half (45%) viewed it as "extremely important."
From an industry standpoint, pharmaceuticals stood out with almost all surveyed companies (e.g., Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer) leading in both actual and perceived performance, and several IT companies (e.g., IBM, Intel, Cisco, Microsoft) also displayed leadership in both measures.

While American Express (and other financial services firms) did not fare well in this particular study, it is helpful from the standpoint of identifying gaps in the manner and frequency of our public reporting. Because this study was conducted using publically available information, it points to the increasing importance of transparency and accountability in our work.


McDonald‘s restaurants in Japan participates in the
government‘s “Team Minus 6%” program to reduce
CO2 emissions by 2.2 pounds per person, per day, by
offering a discount to consumers who registered to
participate in the program. During the 2007
campaign, McDonald‘s restaurants and their
employees helped raise the number of participants
from 40,000 to 380,000, resulting in a reduction of
over 3 million pounds of CO2.

Can I do this for the DBacks?

Take the pledge and get 2 for 1 tickets each time you share a story on our website!

Baseball moves in rhythm with the seasons.beginning in spring when nature comes alive, enduring through the summer and ending in the fall. Played best outdoors, it makes sense that MLB is challenging their franchises to be good stewards of the land. As cultural influencers, the Diamondbacks have many opportunities to impression upon the local culture, but many obstacles exist.

They must provide a comfortable atmosphere in the desert in the heat of the summer, in a stadium that is 30% too large. Significant capital investments would limit the ability to put a good product on the field and the remaining life expectancy of the building is too short to justify the investment.. Additionally the local politics has ignited several national debates and protests against our sports teams. Meanwhile our water supplies are dwindling and so are those of our neighbors in California thanks to significant drought. With this as our background, the Diamondbacks have been challenged by Major League Baseball to take the lead.

Baseball teams become the fabric of a city. Boston had the Curse, Chicaco has the Billie Goat and the Yankees have the pinstripes. As a young organization the Diamondbacks are weaving themselves into the fabric of Phoenix.. The Diamondbacks have an opportunity through an effective stewardship program to become a greater part of the community. The Dodgers are an iconic brand in large part because they believed in Jackie Robinson and allowed him to lead a cultural revolution. Can the Diamondback brand become synonymous with leadership by showing Phoenix how to compete, win and profit sustainably?

In 1993 Arizona lost the superbowl because it refused to recognize MLK Day. Targeting a city or states sports team is an effective way to punish the state economically and has a direct impact on the team brand and financials. As awareness of social justice continues to grow, the Diamondbacks should be prepared to lead in a way Jackie Robinson did during the Civil Rights Era. There are still barriers to break down, this can be a threat, or an opportunity for the Diamondbacks to lead social change in Arizona.

The Diamondbacks can demonstrate how to create business value while engaging the community, being sociailly responsible and a good steward to the enviornment. This will be done through creativity, collaboration and engagement.


Dback Reimagine Home Iniative

Partnering with Energy Efficency Contractors, such as a solar installation company to offer exclusive deals to season ticket holders and corporate sponsors and their employees.

Track Impact

By Helping 500 homeowners, we have.....

Gameday Recycle Initiave

Dbacks Repurpose Furniture

Use revenue from selling furniture made from used bats, balls and gloves to benefit Dbacks charities or buy carbon offsets.

Cardboar furniture made by Sitgreen.

DB Awards

Add Green Award to Annual DB Awards for Corporate Sponsors

Assigned readings

The Business of Sustainability

Responses to Sutinainabiloity Challenges: XVII (intro)


Creating Teams

Size Matters

Triple Bottom Line

Doing Good and Doing Well


Coke needs water and is helping countries develop water runnoff cathers to prevent flooding and direct water to aquifer.

Social Equity

Brand Image:
Nike protest led to overhaul of opperations which led to brand repair, and $700million on costs savings, leadership in the industry


Boon in renewable energy due to tax incentives.
GE offered energy efficient appliances to capitalize.

Regulatory Environment:

Walmat can affect the supply chain

Waltmart created Personal Sustainability Project for employees

Ray Anderson Chairman of INterface is the greenest CEO in the US

He decided his company would take nothing from the earth it could not replace.

Major League Baseball

Arizona Diamondbacks










Competing Interest










Competiting Interest

Local Government


Reimagine Phoenix

Community Connection


Strategy Readings

SUSTAINABILITY AND SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT: HISTORICAL ANDCONCEPTUAL REVIEWDesta MebratuInternational Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University


Trust Factor:

Consumer doesn't trust Gov or Global Company:What about local or small company ie favorite coffee shop?

Dbacks Structure

Strategy Lecture 01/31

John Smith

3 big ideas: technology + labor = economic wealth or mobility

This survived till WWII

Keynesian Revolution

Money products and services is a circular event.

When you inject sustainability into this, it confuses it.

3 take aways

our current materials model is very young: The way we think today is only since 1951 (the invention of synthetic materials). Its youth is an opportunity.

US Economy is built on extraction from the earth.

This extraction is represented in our laws.

Current Model

Flaws: Enviornment is there for us to use and technology will make it all better. IE if we run out of water, technology will replace it with something else.

Bruno Sarda: This is why so many are discussing the need to value natural capital and ecosystem services as such a necessary part of our value accounting

The thought process here is "The tree has no value until it is turned into a table"

The business Case for Envirnmental and Sustainable Employee Education


Business Benefits

Improve Opperational Efficency

Strenghten Customer Relationship


Supply Chain Management

Improve Community Ties

Attract and Retain Employees

Citigroup states, the business case for
sustainability is to reduce risk, reduce expenses, increase
revenue, deepen relationships with clients, enhance
reputation and attract and retain the best employees

HP installed a 1.1-megawatt system of 6,256
SunPower solar panels at its San Diego facility.
The system is projected to save the company
$750,000 during the next 15 years, while providing
more than 10 percent of the facility’s power. As
part of its agreement with SunPower, HP started an
employee program offering joint rebates to install
solar electricity for their residences. The program
links the company’s initiatives to steps employees
can take and provides a unique employee benefit not
available at all companies.

Stadium Audience






These Initiatives serve one goal:

Green Glove Award Most Improved 2014

Strategy Map




Dbacks Systems

Issues are losing steam in terms of their priority to global leaders

Major League Baseball

Bud Selig

Baseball as Stewads of the Land

As an outdoor game played
in fields, parks and backyards across the country and around the globe, our sport is closely aligned
with the environment. I am proud that Major League Baseball has taken substantial action to do its
part to protect it.

Baseball as a social institution

I have often said that our game is a social institution with enormous social responsibilities.

Jackie Robinson

Global Contect Week 1 Readng and Discussion

Changing Track

Collaborative Efforts are considered the most trusted and seen as having high potential in terms of their a bility to address complex system challenges. page 10

sustainable development:
“development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.”

6 Key Attributes of Leadership


New Model



Pareto Efficiency

Pareto efficiency, or Pareto optimality, is a state of allocation of resources in which it is impossible to make any one individual better off without making at least one individual worse off. The term is named after Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923), an Italian economist who used the concept in his studies of economic efficiency and income distribution[citation needed]. The concept has applications in academic fields such as economics and engineering.

Chapters 1 and 2 of Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics

The ability of the planet to provide those resources in the future needs to be considered. Example is loading a ship to deliver cargo, can the ship provide the cargo in the future

Neoclasical Economics

Only efficiency matters in distribution of resources