Cell process - Mind Map

Cell process


Water+Carbon Dioxide+Sunlight--> Glucose+Oxygen.

Cam is used in extremely hot and dry places.Slow growing plants Cam is used in extremely hot and dry places.Slow growing plants use this. Cam occurs during the day and night. For example, this Aloe Vera plant uses Cam.

This grass uses C3 to gradually grow, takes place in a moderate climate, C3 takes place during the day only.

C4 occurs in hot and dry climates. It occurs only in the day. C4 has the fastest growing plants. For example,corn.

Cellular Respiration


Glucose+oxygen-->Carbon dioxide+water+atp.

Aerobic provides energy.

Breathing is an example of Aerobic.


Glucose-->Lactic Acid+ATP+Carbon dioxide.

It is important because it provides energy when oxygen is not avalible.

Lifting weights is an example of anaerobic.

The mitochondria makes energy know as ATP. The mitochondria is in both Plant and Animal cells. It is important because it provides ATP.

The chloroplast is where photosynthesis takes place. The chloroplast is found only in plant cells. It is important because it is where photosynthesis takes place.

Blue is plant and light blue is Cellular respiration.

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