Long Term Causes

MILITARISM: This means that both sides and the countries who are in war are ready to fight because they have military equipment and weapons and soldiers ready. They have soo many airplanes, ships, bombs, guns, soldiers, etc that are waiting to be used in war.

propaganda poster to why soldiers should join the army

Militarism caused world war because the countries just had so many military weapons and soldiers ready to use. The countries were ready so they fought! Almost all the countries wanted to show off their military because ti shows strenght of a country so they decided to show strenght by using force and fighting.

ALLIANCES: This means that both countries and sides have other countries that are probably very big to scare eachother off. This shows that each country has allies to help them fight if they need to.

here are countries that are allied and are helping each ally out

Alliances caused world war one because secret alliances were formed before the war even started. Both Austria/Hungary and Serbia had secret allies who wanted to help the countries win. Thos allies had more allies to back them up, this is why it is called world war 1 because all countries wanted to join the action and help their allies!!

The triple entente is an alliance of Britain, France, and Russia.




The central power alliance included Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy.




IMPERIALISM & INDUSTRIALIZATION: These mean that both sides really want expand and increase the empire they have built. They want new land to expand their countries and so they want to achieve this through war and fighting the other country to take over their land and call it their own. Industrialization means that the sides can achieve imperialism because they already have lots of weapons and machinery being made to expand the empire. Lots and lots of weapons and materials are being made to fight and take over.

imperialism cartoon

industrialization shows that the city is well developed to fight

Imperialism and industrialization caused world war 1 because countries were well developed and had enough resources to fight and waste. They had soo much weapons and military equipment to use and it just keeps on getting made in factories by people so the country could use it without becoming poor. Lots of industrialization was happening in big countries like germany and russia so they wanted to use their resources in war to fight and expand their territory and make big empires to rule over.

NATIONALISM: This means that both countries think that their own country is better than the enemy. Both sides are very very loyal to their own country and will prove it by fighting to bring victory to their country. Even the citizens and public will do anything for the country even if it means they are going to risk their lives to fight.

here are some very proud americans. they thing their country is better than any other country!

Nationalism is also a long term causes of ww1 becuase alot of soldiers wanted to serve their country and they wanted to die for their country. This made the countries have lots of soldiers to fight. Every country thought they were better than eachother. Like Austria-hungary thought they were better than serbia so they wanted to prove that by fighting the other country instead of being peaceful!


Samveer Mrahar

Short Term Causes

ASSASSINATION OF FRANZ FERDINAND: The archduke was assassinated by two members of the blackhand. This is because they didn't like being ruled over so the wanted to free Bosnia by killing the heir aka Franz Ferdinand. This is a short term cause because then austria-hungary declared war on serbia. This obviously brought the attention of Russia too because they wanted to help serbia fight. They were allies so they were not going to let the country fight alone. Then Austria-Hungary's ali wanted to help them fight too. So then Germany decided to help Austria-Hungary. This is when many countries began to participate in world war 1.


The blackhand murdered the archduke and in the blackhand were 7 people who swore to kill him even if it meant they would die too. The assassins name was Gavrilo Princip who later died after killing the duke.

The assassins name was Gavrilo Princip who later died after killing the duke.



So basically the black hand had a full scale plan going on that they discussed with each other. They made a plan that they knew was going to succeed because if it didn't the people of Bosnia would still be under rule and they would have died for no reason. The plan was made between the 7 people.

The duke with his family was supposed to drive through the capital city and so the black hand was armed with bombs and weapons at each route the duke passed through.

The first guy did nothing at the first route. The second guy threw a bomb but failed and instead killed 8 innocent people because the dukes men threw the bomb out. They captured number 2 and he was not able to kill himself so instead the dukes men beat him to death. Then the other men of blackhand did nothing as well.

Finally, number seven aka gavrilo killed the duke at last by shooting him two times. Later on, he died too in prison! The emperor wanted revenge so he declared war!!

This is a image of the duke getting assassinated
by gavrilo princip aka number 7.

Here is another image of gavrilo murdering him

Here is Gavrilo Princip getting arrested!

This is the Archduke

This is the Archdukes family and his
wife was murdered as well!

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