Apostles' Creed Explained

I believe in God

What does it mean to say "I believe in God"?

What does it mean to say "l believe in God" is, we are not just saying it as it is,

What does it mean to say "l believe in God" is, we are not just saying it as it is, it means that we say that we put our trust in God, believe God is faithful, God will not leave us, and he will support and guide us. We should also direct our lives toward God, to become closer to God.

How does believing in God influence the way you see the world around you?

How does believing in God influence the way you see the world around you is, God will always be there for you to support you and guide you through hard times. Based on the decisions he teaches, it will influence you to see things differently around you, and make you make the right choice, because what God has promised, God will do.

the Father almighty

What does it mean to call God "the Father almighty"?

What does it mean to call god "the Father almighty" is that we look up to him, we believe God loves us, cares for us, that he will never fail us, and believe that God lets us make mistakes. To illustrate, God lets us make our own choices, but when we make mistakes, we don't purposely make mistakes and then just moving on. When we make mistakes, we should learn from them, and know not to do the same thing mistake next time, or you are not getting anywhere.

Creator of heaven and earth

Describe how God is creator.

How God is the creator, is because all creation is the work of God, all creation is good. Everything that keeps existing is because of God, because anything we make must begin with things that God has already made. When believing that God is the Creator we are saying that we value all that God has created, especially all human beings. When saying that we value all that God has created we are having respect, importance, justice, and more, in all that God has created.

Why does Catholic teaching stress the dignity of the human person and the value of creation?

Why does Catholic teaching stress the dignity of the human person and the value of creation because, we need to learn/understand we are called to work with God in caring for creation and in helping to make the world a better place. Making the world a better place can include anything, from the smallest things (compliments) to the biggest things (cleaning up our community, or donating to the sick.) By believing in God the Creator and the value of creation, we will care for creation.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord

What's so special about Jesus?

Whats so special about Jesus is, Jesus was sent by God to save us from our sin. Jesus is more than just a human, he died for us because he loves us, and to break the power of sin in your life. He made it possible for us to rebuild our relationship with God, after we have sinned. Jesus is also so special because he is one with God. To explain, he can help us understand God in a way that no other person can.

If we believe that Jesus is Lord, what difference does it make in the way we relate to ourselves, to others, and to God.

If we believe that Jesus is Lord, what difference does it make in the way we relate to ourselves, to others, and to God is, believing that Jesus is Lord, Jesus was Gods flesh son and he was on earth to demonstrate how to treat one another. When we live the way he wants us to live, we are living in the kingdom of God.

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary

What does "Incarnation" mean?

What does "incarnation" mean is to take on flesh. Incarnation shows that Jesus was fully God and fully human at the same time. Incarnation also shows us that God truly loves us enough to make a way for us through Jesus.

How can Mary help us to relate to God?

How can Mary help us relate to God is Mary shows that she trusted God, by saying yes, when Jesus' conception and birth were acts of God. When she agreed to be the mother of the Son of God, Mary entrusted her whole life to God. Also Jesus would not have been born if Mary had not agreed to be his mother.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried

Why did Jesus suffer?

Jesus suffered because many people wanted him to die, because he challenged them to much. He told them to forgive sinners, and think more about others and less about themselves. Which means making the world a better place, by caring for everyone around you. But many powerful people wanted Jesus to suffer, and be put to death because they were afraid that they would lose their power if too many people listened to Jesus. They didn't listen to Jesus when he wanted people to think more about others and less about themselves. They put themselves first, and they wanted to have power, but Jesus did not care about the power as he cared about love and teaching people to love God and one another more.

How is Jesus' suffering and death meaningful for us as Christians?

How is Jesus' suffering and death meaningful for us as Christians is because Jesus' descent to the dead is a sign that his invitation to life and love is for all people. Jesus is an example of how we should live, because his death and resurrection destroyed the power of death and restores the relationship between God and human beings, which had been broken by sin. Lastly, our belief in Jesus' suffering and death challenges us to accept suffering, if we have to, so we can live according to Gods plan, and share God's love with those who need it most. For explain, for the people who aren't well, especially people who are suffering with Coronavirus.

On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father

What is resurrection?

Resurrection is the rising from the dead of a divine or human being. To illustrate, the resurrected Jesus, who is now with the Father by his side, is the same Jesus who walked the earth. The resurrection lets us know that any scripture promises that are not yet fulfilled will be fulfilled by God, in God's own time.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead

How does Jesus judge?

How does Jesus judge is, he will judge each one us, but the judgement you may be thinking is not the harsh/rude type of judging. Its more like revealing us to ourselves, and calling us to change or leave behind the things that may have hurt us or those around those in the past, present or future. Its also about opening up to others if you need, or by praying.

If this is how Jesus judges, how are we to judge others?

If this is how Jesus judges, how are we to judge others, is the way Jesus has taught us. With respect, kindness, understanding, and more. You also have to understand there emotions by not yelling or judging them in a harsh way. You have to understand where they are coming from, as they could going through a lot right now, and you don't know, because they haven't opened up to you about it. So its best to think before you act and be respectful all the time.


What does "Amen" mean?

"Amen", means that when we have finished the prayer, we are accepting the entire prayer and making it our own, by believing and having trust to God (who we are praying too.) As well as, we are not only believing in the forgiveness of sins, we are also trusting that God will forgive our sins. The word "amen" comes from the Hebrew word "believe", saying that you believe, accept and trust in God. The word "amen" can also mean "so be it" which also shows that we will act on our beliefs. This means being ourselves, and act on our thoughts/mindset.

What does it mean when we say"Amen" to the Creed?

When we say Amen to the Creed [and in any other prayers], we are seeing that we affirm and we believe. The apostles creed is our ability to reaffirm as Christians that we believe in God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

And life everlasting

What is life everlasting?

What is life everlasting means we believe that through his death and resurrection, Jesus has won out over death. We believe that all life belongs to God and will be kept alive by God. After we die, we will rise to new life with God, that is everlasting.

Relate this statement of faith to a life-and-death issue, such as pollution or abortion.

Life everlasting in relation to the environment and pollution can signify our human relationship with the environment which has been created by God. We are supposed to be stewards of the earth and make better efforts to care for all of Gods creations like always caring for the environment.

The resurrection of the body

How do we know that God cares about our bodies as well as our souls?

How do we know that God cares about our bodies, as well as our souls because, God created us. God created us in his image. We are intentionally made to look different and to respect each other's differences. God wants us to care for our own bodies and for the physical needs of others. God is everlasting love; He gives us unconditional love; and He will always forgive us.

When we say that we believe in the resurrection of the body, what are we saying about our own bodies and the way we treat them?

When we say we believe in the resurrection of the body, what are we saying about our own bodies and the way we treat them is God calls us to use our bodies to communicate in an honest, loving and responsible way. We are also saying that we will try to treat our bodies the way God wants us to treat them.

The forgiveness of sins

What does it take for a person to sin?

What does it take for a person to sin is rejecting God and Gods call to us on purpose. Sin is abusing the freedom God has given us and not doing what Jesus would ask us to do. For example, your actions, attitude (even tone of voice), neglect (which basically means the fact of being UN cared for, or giving little attention or respect), intent (which means doing something on intention or on purpose) , etc.

What does it take for a person to be forgiven?

What does it take for a person to be forgiven is forgiveness requires feeling willing to forgive. We believe that all people, no matter how wicked, may trust that God will forgive them when they are truly sorry for their sins. When the Church forgives us, God forgives us. God heals our hearts and renews our ability to love, and learn from our mistakes.

The communion of saints

What does it take to be a saint?

Step Four- CANONIZATION. After being beatified, another miracle is required for the person to be canonized and officially declared a saint. Once a person is canonized, he or she is officially declared a "Saint". The pope declares this in a official way at a special Mass, in honor of the new saint.

Step Three- BEATIFICATION. If the candidate was someone who dies for their faith, he or she may be beatified and named "Blessed".

Step Two- DETERMINATION. The bishop will then send a formal report and request, where it is reviewed by the congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The writings of his or her life are studied to make sure there is nothing that goes against the teachings and practices of the Church. Once it has gone through more investigations, and the candidate has been determined to be heroic in his or her faith, he or she is declared "Venerable".

Step One. REQUEST FOR CANONIZATION. You have to wait at least five years after the death, or it cannot normally start. (Unless a special exception is made by the pope), a formal request is made usually from the candidate's church or religious community, to consider him or her for sainthood. They then submit their request to the bishop where the person died.

What does it take to be a saint is

What does it take to be a saint is, you have to wait at least five years after the death, or it cannot normally start. (Unless a special exception is made by the pope), a formal request is made usually from the candidate's church or religious community, to consider him or her for sainthood. Also the communion of saints are those who have seen God's great love for them and responded by loving God and their neighbor.

How are we in communion with the saints?

How are we in communion with the saints is saints act as role models for us, so we can make good choices and model their behavior in our daily lives with people in our community. We also believe that the prayers of all the members of the communion of saints can affect our lives. We ask for the prayers of others, both living and dead, and we pray for others, both living and dead.

The Holy Catholic Church

Who is the Church?

The Church is all of us gathering together to form the body of Christ on earth by God. "Us" means everyone is invited to share in he gift of salvation. We believe that God gathers all people together into one family, that is a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ, and that God is present and active with us in the gathering.

How can people be holy?

How can people be holy is, by believing in the holy Church, reveal and share God's love and forgiveness to the world and help people accept and share that love, forgiveness, and healing with others, and also pray, to become closer to God.

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit is, the third person in the Trinity. The Spirit is one with the Father and the Son (God and Jesus), and has been with them since before time began. So when the Father or the Son act, the Spirit is also acting. When the Spirit acts, so do the Father and the Son.

Describe the action of the Holy Spirit within the life of the Christian community?

The action of the Holy Spirit within the life of the Christian community comes to each of us at our Baptism. When we are confirmed, we are sealed by the gift of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to live as Christ calls us to live, and unites us with all other Christians who have received the same Spirit. Which means helping us to love, care wisdom, understanding, fortitude, and knowledge as how God has done the same to us, to change our lives, and change our world. Uniting us with Christ, and joined by the Holy Spirit, all of us together become the body of Christ on earth, (one body).