Activities to get students moving and comm...- Mind Map

Activities to get students moving and communicating


Carousel Brainstorming


For success:Topic should be in the form of a question-problem.decide each group's Recorder, Presenter roles at the start.(in big events where the ideas/outputs matter) fix Recorder, Discussion Facilitator at each station, not rotating with the group, so that participants can focus on listening and generating ideas.Have final round be for reviewing.Assign feedback stems ("I like...", "I wonder...")Have everyone review all sheets to vote for best ideas with sticker or ⭐️

Giving feedback

Gallery Walks protocol

Critical friends

Create information gaps
(for purposeful communication)

Sage & Scribe


Tasks:Explain how to solve a math problem.Describe how to draw/contents of a picture


Jigsaw Protocol
(learn by teaching others)

Split text


Ways to split text/information:Reading passage where A has paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and B has 2, 4, 6.Short paragraph where A and B have versions with different key info blanked out.(For images) Spot the difference.

Barrier Games

Debate Protocols


Controlled Paired DebatesPresent scenarioPairAssign sidesWrite down argumentsShare with partnerEvaluate-write down: What were your partner's claims? Did they give arguments to support their claim? Were reasons valid?" Assess validity, soundness, relevance

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Clique aqui para centrar o seu mapa.