Categorias: Todos - argument - evidence - structuralism - analysis



Writing linguistic reserch

Linguistic research encompasses a systematic approach to studying language, drawing on both theoretical and empirical evidence. Key to this process is the concept of the 'sign' and its '

Writing linguistic reserch

Writing linguistic reserch

The model of Generative Grammar are used in the areas of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

Is important to state and explain theoretical assumptions and orientations on which the work will be based.
Generative grammar embraces the Saussurian dichotomy between synchronic and diachronic description and analysis.
Generative grammarians claim that children are born possessing intrinsic linguistic properties that reflect the innate nature of human language.

In the areas of sociolinguistics. psycholinguistics, and language acquisition (L1 and L2) an experimental approach is used.

On the other hand, in the theoretical areas of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics underlying forms of language are argued for based on surface forms.

Saussure proposed the ‘sign’ which symbolizes its ‘referent.’

Saussurian structuralism has been widely accepted as the theoretical background for linguistic study.

The structure and the style, terminology, and methodology must represent the area of linguistics being presented.

It set a theory or hypothesis based on observations, gathering and classifying data, and concisely and coherently examining and discussing findings.
1. Make all assumptions clear 2. Keep your language simple and straightforward 3. Avoid value judgments 4. Construct your argument incrementally 5. Provide robust examples 6. Do not try to prove anything

Linguistics is the scientific approach to the study of language as a human biological system.

Can be based on theoretical features or on qualitative and quantitative aspects of linguistíc data.

In reserarch we have several linguistic terms.

- Heuristics - Universal grammar (UG) - Universal principies - Internal evidence - External evidence

To make an outline is a good strategy to keep the focus in the research

Another useful tool is the application of a timeline to stay focused on the task.

One of the most important aspects when we want to communicate the results of the reserch, is to keep a strong argument and use evidence from the data collected and analyzed.

To conduct a research, we must follow some steps: - Observation - Background reserch - Develop a hypotheses - Compare Outcomes - Control variables - Avoid Bias - Differentiate Chance from Statistical Significance - Analyze the Data and Draw a Conclusión - Communicate the results

To validate the test results is necessary to be able to make comparisons between the test results and other similar data.
Is important to stablish a hypothesis in order to support the claim.
Is very important to conduct preliminary background research.