Categorias: Todos - genetic - nicotine - psychological - social

por Juan Lopez 4 anos atrás



The discussion around vaping encompasses various facets including genetic predispositions, social influences, psychological impact, and economic considerations. Vaping has become increasingly popular among youth, partly due to the belief that it is less harmful and more socially acceptable compared to traditional tobacco products.


Juan L. Hayli P. Selina A.



Genetic risks accelerate the development of smoking behaviors.
Addictions are learned behaviors and requires reinforcement through neural pathways.
There is not one gene that determines if someone will develop a smoking addiction, but there are several genes that determine if someone is more susceptible and being addicted to nicotine.


"Fitting in"
People who reported using vaping products mentioned that they used those products because of peer use.
Many teens are turning to vapes to relieve stress.
The belief that is less harmful and more socially acceptable than regular tobacco products


Law makers are debating on whether denying the public both tobacco and vaping products, or welcoming vaping as an alternative source of receiving nicotine.
Availability of flavors or vape products themselves (candy, chocolate)
Having someone in the family or a friend that vapes.


Negative family relationships (Financial stresses, bonding during early development).
People who are already hooked onto tobacco, young or old, can see vaping as an alternative if they want to "improve" their well-being.


Rates have increased and e-cigarettes are now by far the most commonly used tobacco products among youth.
Politicians are coming up with schemes to tax e-cigarettes, because they are scared of the number of smokers transitioning to vaping.
Politicians are concerned that they are going to lose tax revenue from switching to vaping instead of relying on tobacco products.