Categorias: Todos - blogs - technology - communication - cell

por Erin Taylor 6 anos atrás


Using Technology to Communicate with Parents, Teachers, and Students

Leveraging technology offers various benefits for staying connected with parents, teachers, and students. Blogs serve as a powerful tool to keep family members informed about classroom activities, serving as newsletters and platforms for listing assignments and showcasing student projects.

Using Technology to Communicate with Parents, Teachers, and Students

Using Technology to Communicate with Parents, Teachers, and Students

Online Photo Sharing Program

Photos and videos can be uploaded in a timely manner, it would not take long others to have access to see them
The Photo sharing program would need to be private
If it is not private, it could go against school policy or what parents intended the use of the program for
creating an access code or password could be benefitial in order to have only the people neccessary
Photos can be shared from classroom events, projects, field trips, or just everyday activities.
There can be a feeling of inclusion in the activites when information and photos are shared
This can be a great assett for parents or other adults who cannot attend and may want to join but cannot
Teachers or parents can take photos during various times of the day and upload them to the program for parents/other family members to see
Teachers can use their phone, ipad, computers etc.
Knowing the schools policy about taking photos or videos is important
Teachers should have permission in order to take photos or videos of their students


Blogs need to be written in a certain way as well. just like e-mails there is proper etiquette in how to write a blog
knowing the audience of the blog
being encouraging
using positive language
Using proper Langugage
Blogs can be a lot of work to keep up with. In order to keep up with the information needed to be shared with parents or other adults, the blog needs to be updates at least weeky if not more.
Blogs are a committment, but can be a grat assett to keeping parents in the know.
This can be a difficult task on top of teaching, planning assignments, meetings, and grading.
A blog can be a way to create lists, assignments, and share projects the students have created.
Blogs can serve as a newletter for the classroom community
Events that have happened in the classroom can be published and talked about in order to keep family memebers involved in the students education
A blog can help keep all the parents (or other family members) involved in what is happening at school.

Cell Phones

Many different types of information can be shared
Information can be positive or negative

Negative examples: Spreading of false information or rumors regarding a person or event.

At times cell phones can help spred bullying in a faster manor

Positive examples: photos of a field trip or class activity, information about due dates, events, plays, etc.

Information can be taken from cell phones and provided to many people in a faster way than regular computers or e-mail
Information can be sent right to the cell phone, such as alerts
alerts could be anything from school being closed to letting a parent know about a sports schedule change
Many adults, and children, have cell phones
Cell phones can have mutiple apps to help communicate
Texting and phone calls

Texting needs to be clear and appropriate

Texting may need to be monitored

Texting would need to be allowed within the school's policy

phone calls allow one to communicate without having to meet in person. Phone calls can help gain information quickly, with inflection and emotion

email, web pages, facebook, twitter, etc
Cell phones are becoming a way to communicate in an immediate way.

Online Calendar Tool

Keeping the Calendar up to date and with relevant inforamation about the event is important, such as place and time.
If parents and teachers do not regularly check the calendar, or get updates, certain dates or events may be missed.
Online Calendars can set reminders for people in regards to events,
Scheduling meetings or conferences can be done faster and more efficently.
Calendars allow many people to know when events occur. When they are online it can be easily accessed by many people at any given time.


Emails may not get a quick response, which could be a draw back. However most e-mails that are sent do not require immediate action.
At times, e-mail can be a harder type of communication because we cannot read a person's expression or inflection with the written word and an e-mail may come off in a manner that was not intended.
meaning what you say, it is hard to interpret therefore being clear is crucial
Using proper writing techniques
Information can be shared in a safe place. E-mail should be done keeping things in mind such as, privacy of the student, keeping it positive, keeping to the facts.
knowing the schools policies on e-mails, such as using initials instead of student's names
Email is a great way to convey a quick message to a parent or teacher. It can be an update on happenings with the student or asking a simple question. E-mail gives greater access to a teacher or parent when it is a non-emergency type of communication.