Categorias: Todos - psychological - technology - power - physical

por Jorge Elias López Machado 5 anos atrás


Sample Mind Map

Workplace harassment encompasses various forms, including cyberbullying, psychological, power, and physical harassment. Cyberbullying involves the use of digital platforms to humiliate or harm individuals through mass emails, chats, instant messages, or social media.

Sample Mind Map

types of harasment in the workplaces

hasrassment phisical

physical harassment also deten called workplace

violence refers to a type of work place harassment that involves physical attacks or threats in extreme cases physical harassment may be classyfied as assault

threa te ning behavior shaking fists angrily
physical atackts chitting shovig kicking
diretct threats of intent to conflict ham

power harassment

power harassment is a common of work place harassment that´s characterized by a power disparity between the hadasser and the harassed 

intrusion into the employees personal life
demeaning demands far below the employees capability
excessive demands that are impossible to weet

ciber bullying

emplyers are embricing new technology in orden to appleal to toungear emplyees and reap the benefits of a digitally connected world ciberbullyng and online harassment are a serios concern for employers among many, many other things, online bullies may

sean harassing instant messages or text messages directtly to the victim
share humiliating things about the victim by mass email or chat
spread lies or gossip about the victim on social media

psychological harassment

psychological harassment haas anegative impact on a personi psychological harassment well being

victims of psychological harassment often feal put down and belitted on a personal level a professional or both

isolating or denying the victyms pressence
belitting or trivializing the victim thoug hts