Categorias: Todos - housing - confidence - discrimination - climate

por Manroop Dhanoya - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 6 anos atrás


Reading Final Evaluation Grade 9

Jagmeet Singh is portrayed as a visionary leader committed to social causes such as increasing access to affordable housing and addressing climate change. He also focuses on preventing racial and cultural discrimination.

Reading Final Evaluation Grade 9


I can connect this characteristic to myself and make a text to self connection. Jagmeet and I (both), are visionaries as we both have visions. However, there is a massive difference between us two. Jagmeet actually works towards (and will keep on doing so) making his visions a reality while I don't since my visions are futuristic and don't think it's the right moment. Jagmeet does not wait for the "right moment", why wait when you can start now? We will both (hopefully)
“…increasing access to affordable housing and tackling climate change. However, he also added that he hopes to help prevent racial and cultural discrimination:”
“Singh explained at the time that his style shows his confidence which can help disarm stereotypes about people wearing turbans and long beards.”

Good Speaker

Jagmeet Singh's speaking skills remind me of those of Martin Luther King's. I think of the "I have a dream speech and how powerful/effective it was, and how many people it touched. Singh uses the same concepts as Martin Luther King when delivering a message (like emphasizing key points and only using strong points. He does this in order to persuade his audience to vote for him or support his campaign. Both of these leaders have great communication skills (which are recognized) as they are able to get their message across effectively every time.
“During his acceptance speech Singh also tapped into his family's past financial struggles drawing attention to a pledge he made while campaigning — to end job insecurity and precarious work. “
“....he’s 38, and celebrated for his charismatic oratory skills, his social media savvy, his good looks and his sartorial sense."


Jagmeet's ability of martial arts, reminds me of Tris from "Divergent" (a movie watch in class). Tris had to learn self defense in order to become Dauntla. This type of self defense included a mix of various forms of martial arts, just like Jagmeet's experience with self defense as well. Becoming a Brazailian jiu-jitsu champion, involved fighting and fighting that included mix of "judo" and various other forms. The difference between Tris and Jagmeet is the purpose of taking up self-defense. Tris had to take it in order to become a Dauntlas, while Jagmeet took it because he was bullied when he was younger and wanted to learn how to defend himself. Also Tris an Jagmeet dealt with criticism (ups/downs) effectively and calmly. Tris ignored all the negative comments when she needed to, and used it to improve when she needed to as well. Just like Jagmeet and how he handled the "heckling" experience. He handled it calmly (with "love and courage") because he already had previous experience.
“...responds to a woman who has rushed at him, interrupting his town hall meeting, with the following refrain: “we welcome you, we support you, we love you.” When she eventually leaves the stage, Singh reassures those gathered that, “growing up as a brown-skinned, turbaned, bearded man, I’ve faced things like this before . . . There’s going to be other obstacles we’re going to face, and we’re going to face them with love and courage.”
“Singh says he was bullied as a youngster and took up martial arts to defend himself, going on to captain his high school wrestling team and winning the Toronto championships in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.”



Jagmeet's multi-lingual abilities remind me of a religious symbol/leader of Sikhism (the founder of Sikhism). This leader was sent down by God, to teach and the spread the message about the divinity of there being only one God. To spread this message, Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled to 14 different countries by foot on a continuous voyage, only making pit stops and nearby villages to find a place to sleep. Guru Nanak had vast knowledge of most of the languages (some of which include, Persian, Arabic and Hindi) spoken in these villages. This is how he related/was compatible with his audience. Both of these leaders spoke multiple languages to relate to their audience, and got their message across, all while seeming more appealing and reliable since their audiences were able to relate to them.


“....linguistic arsenal that Singh estimates includes a word or phrases from about 45 tongues.”


"....switching seamlessly between languages as he obliged photo requests. For a young mother from Ethiopia, the Canadian politician had a greeting in Amharic. To her friend from Eritrea, he offered a few lines of Tigrinya…”

Jagmeet Singh