Categorias: Todos - environment - education - addiction - health

por HE - 10ZZ 882291 Stephen Lewis SS 3 anos atrás


Problematic Issue : marijuana causes health problems but can be used as a medical treatment

Marijuana use, while sometimes employed for medical treatments, has been linked to several adverse effects on personal and societal levels. Regular users often face significant educational and professional setbacks, with a noticeable decrease in high school and college completion rates.

Problematic Issue : marijuana causes health problems but can be used as a medical treatment

Problematic Issue : marijuana causes health problems but can be used as a medical treatment

One of the most difficult aspects of growing marijuana is that the plants have an irresistible need for broad-spectrum light. The sun provides all Cannabis sativa needs in tropical climates, but large-scale indoor grow operations rely on high-intensity discharge bulbs, which are costly and use a lot of electricity.

Marijuana production causes almost three times the amount of forest fragmentation and one-and-a-half times the amount of deforestation than timber.

Cannabis plants also contain volatile organic compounds which have been found in the soil near grow-ops and can pollute the environment.
Forest Fragmentation
According to a recent study, more than 85% of Pacific fishers near marijuana grow-ops in the Sierra Nevada range were poisoned, accounting for around 10% of all deaths of the endangered species.

Poisoning from marijuana farming has also killed


Northern Spotted Owls


Grey Foxes

Mule Deer

Drought is likely to increase in many parts of Canada, including the southern interior of British Columbia and the Prairie provinces. Marijuana  farms in these areas would place even more pressure on local water supplies. Marijuana farms could use all of the water that would otherwise be used to keep local streams and rivers flowing during the dry season.

Regular marijuana users were drastically less likely to complete high school or earn a degree than their non-using colleagues. They were also more likely to develop addiction, experiment with other drugs, and attempt suicide.   Heavy marijuana use has also been related to lower wages, increased welfare dependency, unemployment, illegal activity, and lower life satisfaction in many studies.

Heavy marijuana users were less likely to complete college and had annual household incomes of less than $30,000. The majority of those who used marijuana extensively reported negative effects in all of these aspects of their lives, including brain function, job accomplishments, social lives, and physical and mental health.
Studies have also found associations between marijuana usage and negative workplace effects, such as an increased risk of injuries or incidents. Employees who tested positive for marijuana on an employment training urine drug test had 55 percent more workplace incidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent more absences than those who tested negative for marijuana use, according to a study of postal workers.

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Marijuana smoking

Long and short term negative effects
Chronic cough, respiratory infections, pneumonia, memory problems, trouble for the developing brain, red eyes, burning mouth, lung irritation, damaged blood vessels, paranoia, and hallucinations.
Increased heart rate

heart disease

Heart attack

Long and short term positive effects
Decreased anxiety, decreased depression symptoms, reduced nausea and vomiting, and pain relief all over the body.

Students smoking marijuana

Bad grades due to negative affects on paying attention learning, and memory.
Leading students to drop out.