Categorias: Todos - feedback - chemistry - geography - learning

por Dayhana Ferreira 4 anos atrás


Preposition of Place

A preposition of place is a grammatical tool used to describe the specific location of an object or person. Examples include phrases like "under the tree" to indicate the cat's position.

Preposition of Place

Write 5 sentences describing where the cas is, for example: The cat is behind the ball.

Preposition of Place


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The cat is behind the ball.
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animal systems
plant systems
body systems

A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located.

The cat is under the tree.
Can you think on another example?

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identify the most important concepts

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These are some of the most commonly used P of P.
short sentences
short words


information branches out from center to sides

growing, organized structure with key concepts and key images