Categorias: Todos - emigration - famine - unemployment - poverty

por Zoha Siddiqui 4 anos atrás



In the 1840s, a devastating famine forced a huge number of Irish peasants to emigrate to Canada, seeking better living conditions and escaping poverty and starvation. Many were evicted from their homes due to an inability to pay rent, resulting in a mass migration driven by the hope for a new life.


Than and Now

Italians And Mexicans

Mexicans have been immigrating to Canada for many years. The most amount of Mexicans to migrate to Canada in a year was in 2010, about 3 866 Mexicans have immigrated to Canada. To this day, Mexicans still immigrate to Canada, and some Mexicans immigrate back to Mexico.The reason for many Mexicans to immigrate from Mexico to Canada, is because Mexico is considered dangerous in some parts. Mexicans have heard of a diverse country that is considered much more safer than Mexico, Canada. Mexicans saw this as an opportunity for a better way of life.
There was an abundance of Italians that migrated between 1870-1914.The reason for the sudden stop of Italians migrating to Canada in 1914 was because of world war I which occurred in 1914, There was a lot of discrimination with Italians immigrating because many Canadian thought they carried diseases within them and were not suitable enough to adjust to the Canadian way of life. Though the Italian were determined to change the mindsets of these Canadians.The Italian immigrants saw many well paying job opportunities in Canada that would increase their quality of living greatly.

Jewish And Chinese

Canada is ranked 18/149 in Quality of Life, meaning it has higher chances of satisfying the Chinese residents than China itself.There might be family of Chinese living in Canada and they might want to reunite. China accounts for 7% of the earth's land mass but is home to almost ¼ of the world's population.China is ranked 66/149 in Quality of Life. This means many of the residents aren’t satisfied with their living situation and want to move to a country with higher Quality of Life rankings.
There was a prejudice that was growing against Jewish people in parts of Europe.Many people started to blame them for many of the problems in society.Laws were being legislated that were against Jewish people, many of them were religious.Many Jews immigrated to Canada as a way to avoid and escape the hate that was shed on them .As the population was growing in Canada, more and more work was also being created.

Chinese And Filipinos

The promotion of Canada's labor needs attracted many skilled, well-trained Filipinos to immigrate to Canada in large numbers. Canada was offering new jobs, sales and in the manufacturing industry. More Filipinos arrived to join their relatives who worked in Canada, under the family reunification program, in which you can sponsor family members for immigration. This was a huge factor that encouraged immigration Filipinos entered Canada seeking better economic, social, and political opportunities for themselves and their families. Canada has a large and growing immigrant population, free and high quality education, free healthcare system, and better financial opportunities.
In the 1880s, thousands of Chinese laborers were brought to Canada to help build the Canadian Pacific Railway. About 15 000 Chinese people moved to Canada to work on this project. Immigrants believed to find greater economic opportunities, improved quality of life, and an escape from oppression and persecution in Canada.During the 19th century, war and rebellion in China compelled many peasants and workers to live elsewhere.People without fields had a hard time growing crops and feeding themselves. Farmers also faced natural disasters such as floods and droughts.

Irish And Indians

Indians had poverty, lack of work opportunities, unemployment and underdevelopment, poor economic condition, lack of opportunities, exhaustion of natural resources and natural calamities, scarcity of cultivated land, inequitable land distribution, and low agricultural productivity. Indians move for economic prospects to Canada's economy and job market and to reunite their family who may have settled in the United States and the UK and not in Canada.
Irish people were fleeing poverty in their homelands and wanted to build a better life. In the 1840s, Irish peasants came to Canada in vast numbers to escape a famine. They wear Unable to pay the rent, families were evicted from their homes by landlords. one million people had died of disease and starvation. Survivors were forced to emigrate. The Irish had wanted to come to Canada, because they believed that they could have a better life.

Irish And South Koreans

South Koreans felt more accepted in Canada once many second generation Koreans grew up there. Also wanted to immigrate to Canada because of the many South Koreans speak English. These teachers were an example of what life may be like if you lived in Canada.Many young adults would wanted to leave South Korea ,they feel the effects of society pressure, competition, and family pressure. They also believed this would be a great place a steady profit and economic independence.
Poster stared appearing about industrious and farming jobs available in British north America in populated Irish towns. Irish people were promised 200 acres of land for one family each if they immigrated to Canada.They lived in poverty and, they only worked as fisherman, they wanted to escape to a different country. Once the great famine occurred in 1840 1.5 to 2 million Irish people immigrated to British North America.