Categorias: Todos - racism - ethnicity - identity - culture

por Steven Greene 1 ano atrás


Optional Ethnicties

College campuses often serve as the initial melting pot where individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds interact, sometimes leading to awkward encounters or instances of racism. The importance of understanding and celebrating different ethnic identities becomes crucial in such settings.

Optional Ethnicties

Optional Ethnicties

Is this a symptom of how divided we are as Americans?

Ethnicity matters for non white Americans the most. Because of past laws that were racist and discriminatory, most of who we around and what experiences we have may have been predetermined before most of us were alive.

Is ethnicity optional for white Americans?

Richard Alba found that in later generations, white Americans in New York state mostly kept their ethnic identity for voluntary and enjoyable purposes. They did not belong to an American based organizations from their ancestral home or even marry within their own culture

How much does our ethnic differences come into play during daily interactions like on a college campus?

For many people going away to college is the first time that certain groups of people may interact with each other leading to awkward encounters and potentially racism.
People have to be open to understanding that even though you belong to a different background, that there should be no issues with people celebrating where they are from and how they choose to identify when it comes to ethnicity.

Why are we more likely to claim to be from another country before claiming to be American?

People choose to claim their ethnic background to keep close to where their families orignate from. Many cultutres respect history and will hold on to it through generations no matter where they currently live at.