Categorias: Todos - diversity - multiculturalism - media - conflict

por vanesa ramirez 3 anos atrás



Multiculturalism, often synonymous with ethnic pluralism, is characterized by the coexistence of diverse cultural groups within a society. Unlike the "melting pot" metaphor, it is described as a "



Multiculturalism has been described as a "salad bowl" and a "cultural mosaic" in contrast to the melting pot.

Two different and seemingly inconsistent strategies have been developed through different government policies and strategies.

The second focuses on cultural diversity and uniqueness that can sometimes lead to intercultural competition for employment, among other things, and can lead to ethnic conflicts.
The first focuses on interaction and communication between different cultures; this approach is also often known as interculturalism.

In reference to sociology, multiculturalism is the end state of a natural or artificial process (for example, legally controlled immigration)

A fundamental axis of multiculturalism in Latin America and in Mexico has been the mass media.

Topic principal

Can describe an area of mixed ethnic community

It is a synonym for "ethnic pluralism"

Multiculturalism is a term with a wide range of meanings