Categorias: Todos - acceleration - motion - gravity - displacement

por Sydney Banta 6 anos atrás


Motion project

The relationship between displacement and motion can be understood through various examples. Displacement refers to the straight-line distance between a starting point and an endpoint, irrespective of the path taken.

Motion project

Motion project

Why do two objects released at the same time and height hit the ground at the same time?

The only way that this works is if their is zero air resistance.

If there is no air and only gravity, something that weighs 5 pounds will hit the ground the same time as something the weighs 10 pounds. And that works with zero air resistance,

There is no air resistance in path of the falling objects.

If I were to drop two objects from the same height and they didn't weigh the same, the one that is heavier will hit the ground first.

What is the relationship between velocity and acceleration.

When you are driving and you have to slow down and turn, you have a change in velocity.

When you are starting to slow down for a stop, then your velocity will change.

The lines that we found on our graphs are the slope.

What is it
Velocity is the speed in a direction While acceleration is the change in speed.

When you stop suddenly of chance direction, the acceleration would change.

What is the relationship between displacement and motion.

When you go 2 miles into town then realize you forgot something at your house so you turn around and go back. Then travel 5 miles into town, and that is the displacement.

Initial reference- The starting point of an object that has experienced motion.

x=X f - X i

What is it?
Motion is the way something is moving and Displacement is the length in a straight line.

When you can only move in one direction, and have certain displacement